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Look at me, look at me... I drew a moose tag.

You seeing this, @TheTone?

I was driving through my 2022 moose unit yesterday and thinking, "man, I need another moose tag." What a sucker I am. Keep up the good work, @sneakem.
Yes…back in the days when not only did the northern half of the state have a ton of tags but after populations and harvest starting dropping some units were undersubscribed and tags were sold OTC to anyone including those that had already killed a moose. I met a guy that had hunted the same unit 3 or 4 times and shot bulls every time in the exact same place.
You seeing this, @TheTone?

I was driving through my 2022 moose unit yesterday and thinking, "man, I need another moose tag." What a sucker I am. Keep up the good work, @sneakem.

As @TheTone said, in the old days, some of the hunts in units 12 and 17 ended up with leftover tags most years. Unit 17 (Selway River) was broken up into 6 or 7 hunt areas. In the early 90s, the late Randy Byers (a past P&Y president) told me that he thought the next world record Shiras would come from a certain hunt area in 17. Unfortunately, that didn’t occur and there is not a single tag offered in all of unit 17 now.
As @TheTone said, in the old days, some of the hunts in units 12 and 17 ended up with leftover tags most years. Unit 17 (Selway River) was broken up into 6 or 7 hunt areas. In the early 90s, the late Randy Byers (a past P&Y president) told me that he thought the next world record Shiras would come from a certain hunt area in 17. Unfortunately, that didn’t occur and there is not a single tag offered in all of unit 17 now.
I know a guy that used to be a die hard moose shed hunter for some backcountry Idaho country. He and a partner kept a journal of the amount of antlers they found and in a way documented the complete crash of the area’s population. They went from a couple hundred antlers a year to less than 20 and then just quit. The area went from offering a pile of moose tags to none. He also says he has a set from my part of the world that would have been the state record if anyone ever had killed it
Sneakem be putting in the boot leather and eye strain for that tag. This gon be gud.
Currently logged just over 270 miles on foot looking for moose, or running checking cameras. That doesn’t count miles on the bike or ebike or drive and glass. Still have 42 days until the hunt starts.

Couple weekends ago did a 10 mile morning with my bro-in-law looking for moose, then met up with the whole fam, and knocked out a 6 mile nature walk afterwards.🤣

Pretty sure I’ll wear out a pair of boots throughout this hunt.

I took my family out scouting for my Wyoming moose hunt 30 years ago. To this day my daughter says that was her favorite family vacation. Trumping Disneyland and Disney World!
Kudos for taking others along for the wild ride...including us!
Change in dynamics going on right now, little more tension rising in the bachelor groups. Haven't seen the big bull in over 10 days. Going to give it a few more days to turn him up, then go search the way I saw him headed last... Can't imagine the hundreds of sheep and several dogs that showed up last week had anything to with him moving...:rolleyes:
@ the tone
It’d be interesting to know what their “data” shows. When the crash happened. I’ve got my own theory and would like to know if theirs coincides with my time frame

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