Well-known member
Well as some of you know the twists and turns of the post-retirement world have led me to Germany. I am back working at a job I hate all for the $$$$ :/ Not what I wanted at all but life tends to dictate some of these things. Bright side is that I have a great apartment here in Kaiserslautern and am making the $$$ while plotting my return home. The upcoming season is looking a little bleak in the B household. Pretty much the only shot we will have for hunting this year is if the little one and I draw the RFW tags I put us in for that would fall over Christmas holidays. I even looked into taking the German hunter ed/hunting license course only to find out it is only given around here starting in January Hopefully I will be long gone by then. So, I will try to be around a little now that I am settled a bit and would go ahead and extend an invitation to any Hunttalkers who may be in the area to a beer and kebap or schnitzel. Prost!!