Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Long Chase Yesterday

George P

New member
Jan 11, 2001
rochester N.H. usa
Ran my new coyote hound yesterday along with the one I bought earlier this year and one of my buddys dogs.Started at 1030 and shot the coyote at 330.Must have traveled 5 or 10 miles from where we started.Hard running.Snow was real meally with just a dusting on top.
We were cold trailing when Miller27 saw 4 or 5 coyotes together on the pond he was covering.None of us have ever seen that many together around here.We turned loose on one of them and away they went.That new dog I just got ran exactly how the seller saiid he would.
My 2 dogs kept catching the yote but couldnt seem to hold him.We were all over the place on 4 whlrs and snow machines trying to cut them off.Got pretty close and took off on foot.Hard going breaking through the snow.Went a long ways on foot till we caught up with them 200 yds from a plowed road!!!Sounds about right huh?That yote came by me at 15 yds just dragging a##.Dogs were 20 yds behind him when I finished it with a 3 inch mag of #4 buck.Boy does that hit hard at close range.
I tell you,this kid sure trated me fair on these 2 hounds.By far the best I have ever owned for the type of coyote hunting we do.
I will try and post some pics later today
George, that sounds like an exciting hunt. Glad to hear you got a fair shake on the hounds. Thanks for sharing the story, looking forward to the pics.

Live to Hunt-Terry aka Coydog.

[This message has been edited by Terry aka Coydog (edited 02-18-2001).]
These guys are getting me all pumped up to get some coyote dogs!!!! Its fun running them down with a snomachine, but I think the dogs would be tons of fun. Thanks for the story George and keep em coming. bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes


[URL=www.huntandlodge.com[/URL] [/b]
George, you forgot to mention that the 3/4+ mile of snow that we took off through, on foot, was knee deep! It was crotch deep (and I'm fairly tall)
in the swamps and snow-drifts. It sure made me wish that we had snowshoes!
It was really a good hunt. That Diamond ***** can really pound a yote. I don't know how she breathes barking every single breath. She ran for hours in that stuff while hammering much of the time that we could hear her (it was very windy in the afternoon). I think that the new dog spot will be really good also once he gets back into shape. He's got some heart because, as tired as he was, he never quit. After George shot the coyote that spot dog collapsed of exhaustion next to the coyote. After about 2 minutes he was up tearing into that yote. I think that he's going to be a scrapper.
Hi Miller27, Glad you hada good time yesterday.Jeez, I didnt think the hike was that bad.I did sleep well last night though.You have certainly been good luck.I sure hope you are planning on bear hunting with me this summer and fall.Boy,dont that #4 buck drop em dead huh?
Sounds like a good time I am like Bcat I need to get some of those dogs one year. Cant wait to see the pictures. Good luck with the new dog!!!
It sure is alot of fun chasing them Cathuntmt and bcat.Hunting them around here is like a cross between bobcat hunting and bear hunting.I know alot of guys out west like dogs that dont bark much and just go out and catch the coyotes.With the big thick woods and mountains around here that wouldnt work.We need real cold nosed track minded dogs with alot of mouth.
It is a blast trying to cut them off.Everyone yelling at each other on the radios and zipping around on snowmachines.Killing them is fun too.
If our lion population keeps goin down, I'd like to try the coyote huntin......Cause thats somethin that we have plenty of.....You have a good one and kill a couple for me to

Hey Goerge. I hope this works.
Here are some pix of the coyote and our grewsome group! Chris


This is the coyote that we got on Feb 17, 2001 (the above story) in York, ME. top row: Scott, Gary, George
bottom row: Randy w/Diamond & Alan w/Spot & Tiny


This is another pic of the coyote.
top row: Scott, Gary, Chris
bottom row: Randy w/Diamond & Alan w/Spot & Tiny (note the handsome addition on the top right!)

[This message has been edited by Miller27 (edited 02-18-2001).]
Thanks for trying Chris.Must not have worked right as i am still looking for the handsome addition.LOL.Now I can send you a bunch of pictures to post !!!!!When we going again???
Ha Ha Ha George. If you can't see the handsome addition; just bring a woman into the room and follow her eyes!!!! LOL

I'm ready to go again ASAP. A fresh snow would be good. Is there anything in the forecast? This hound hunting is addicting! It's as good as ice-cold beer..... well, almost!
Its totallty legal here!! If it isnt there is a lot of Illegal activity going on!!!HEHEHE Everyone does it here, and I have had game wardens drive by when we used to chase them in the wheatfields, and nothing was ever said so I guess its legal. Not just legal but a way of life!!!hehe bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes


[URL=www.huntandlodge.com[/URL] [/b]
George, great hunt! Sure wish my hounds were doing as good as yours. We turned loose Sunday and had one really short race. Have no idea what happened to it. The dogs just lost it in an open field and never found it again. I guess its just sorry muts. I hope you like your new hound. Good luck w/ him!


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