PEAX Equipment

Logging weight and workouts


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2018
North Carolina
Since it's the new year, I'm sure some have made weight loss or fitness resolutions. I didn't necessarily make a resolution, but I am in the process of dropping weight. I also had a hunting buddy ask if I wanted to join the workout routine he's doing so that we can make sure each of us is sticking with it. I like to chart progress for these kinds of things, so I made up an excel sheet. Figured I'd make the template available in case anyone else wanted to try it out. Under each month there are two columns. The left column is for weight. The right is for whether or not you worked out. Weight entries will average at the bottom of the month, workout entries will turn red or green based on input. For the formatting to work, just input y or n. Maybe someone will find it useful. If not, oh well.

Nice dedication!! How’s it going? Sorry you haven’t gotten the encouragement you deserve on here!
Nice dedication!! How’s it going? Sorry you haven’t gotten the encouragement you deserve on here!
I'm two bucks in the hole (the running wager is $1/missed workout) but doing well. I'm down about a pound, which isn't great but is definitely better than gaining. Can definitely tell the workouts are helping my core/chest strength. My legs have always been pretty strong so no noticeable difference there.
Good job, I’m cutting beer and sugar. We’ll see how that goes.
Logging weight and fitness..

You guys cut wood in the winter too?
Wait, this inst the dad jokes thread.

Since the new year i have started a workout regiment which includes hiking with my pack on through the snow covered hill, gradually upping weight.

On non-hiking days I am doing weights.

I haven't logged it specifically, but I am trying to form a mental routine in my head.

If you like to do weights try the Jefit app. Its free and has a ton of workouts. I just added ones from a routine I am comfortable with but it has a ton.

I like that the app will show me the proper workout so I know exactly what I'm doing. It logs a bunch of Info if you let it and you can add notes.

We just got a foot more of snow over the last day and its 8 degrees and 35 mph winds....And its my hiking day... I guess its a good day to test out my layering techniques and see how they hold up in the wind.
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