Caribou Gear

Loan for hunting

I still would like to see how "they" come up with those fibs... er... figures.
Eggs have quadrupled in price, gas was over double and still is about 50% over what it was a three years ago. Primers have gone up 500%, hamburger is up 400%, car rentals up 150%, new truck purchase prices have gone up 20%, chicken is almost double, homes increased about 25% in our area, new truck tires increased 15-20%, motor oil up 20%, a meal in a restaurant has gone up about 12% here.
I just don't use the same math as the "build back better folks".
Without making this at all political your right about the increase I'm sure there are plenty of goods that have gone up 8.7% or less, not sure what they are. But the thought of goods needed to feed, cloth and house a growing family only being 8.7% is laughable at best.
Without making this at all political your right about the increase I'm sure there are plenty of goods that have gone up 8.7% or less, not sure what they are. But the thought of goods needed to feed, cloth and house a growing family only being 8.7% is laughable at best.
Venting a bit. Wife took me grocery shopping tonight.
I seriously don't know how young families are making it. While we were at the egg cooler (stunned) I watched a young lady and then a young couple come up look at the egg prices and walk away. Never in my life did I dream I would ever witness this... not in the U.S.
Venting a bit. Wife took me grocery shopping tonight.
I seriously don't know how young families are making it. While we were at the egg cooler (stunned) I watched a young lady and then a young couple come up look at the egg prices and walk away. Never in my life did I dream I would ever witness this... not in the U.S.
Our budget has definitely changed (3 boys)
That must be that new math the kids are doing these days 3 years old for 35k does not equal 2 years old for 30k.
Not bad for a shot from the hip though. The point was (in case you missed it), you can save a lot of money by buying something a couple years old.
Loans are for is for wants. Unless it's zero percent maybe.
Sound advice IMO. Sometimes these dreams we have are just unobtainable in the short term. I would not and never have considered going into debt for a trip. That's just a crazy financial decision, one never knows what hurdles tomorrow brings. Especially as we age.
I still would like to see how "they" come up with those fibs... er... figures.
Eggs have quadrupled in price, gas was over double and still is about 50% over what it was a three years ago. Primers have gone up 500%, hamburger is up 400%, car rentals up 150%, new truck purchase prices have gone up 20%, chicken is almost double, homes increased about 25% in our area, new truck tires increased 15-20%, motor oil up 20%, a meal in a restaurant has gone up about 12% here.
I just don't use the same math as the "build back better folks".

I suspect "they" have a better rationale for the numbers they came up with when compared to how you came up with your's.
Used to "finance" my hunting trips through cash jobs, change jar, scrap money. Our hunts were just the trip out, hunting, camping, trip back.
Wife now hunts with me, friends seemed to lose interest/capability.
We still don't take out loans but our hunts are much more a vacation with the trip out usually accompanied by side excursions, last year was hiking the Moab/Canyonlands area. Put it on the card.
I'd rather go on 15 smaller hunts every other year than one hunt and go into unsecured debt.

Heck, we planned a wyo deer hunt for a couple years and it was 75 degrees and skunked. Or put another way, unfortunate weather, health, major life changing event, ect. can screw up that "once-in-a-lifetime" hunt.
A couple thoughts:

1. If a person can make the loan payment on the backend of a trip, surely they can make the payment on the front end of the trip. Save, save, save. There are PLENTY of ways to make extra cash - get some side hustles and forget borrowing money.

2. Monthly budget - it’s simply a plan on how to spend your money. Since day one, my wife and I have done a monthly budget. We each get an “adult allowance” - at times it was as little as $50 per person per month, other times it has been much more. I save mine for hunts, she saves hers for trips. It takes some time, but I’ve been able to experience some amazing adventures (Argentina Doves, AK caribou, Saskatchewan Waterfowl, etc.). The best part about the whole deal is, I don’t have any lingering expenses/payments when I get home from hunting AND there is no fight with the wife about money!
I couldn’t personally do it, I feel guilty about buying high dollar fuel to drive across the state to hunt or fish. We camp out at Fishing access sites to save money on hotels.

Then again everyone spends money on things they enjoy, me and my daughter is horses and me, boy, and daughter enjoy fishing. Both are expensive. We entirely hunt in state except for one hunt out of state every five to ten years. I really don’t like debt
2. Monthly budget - it’s simply a plan on how to spend your money. I save mine for hunts, she saves hers for trips. It takes some time, but I’ve been able to experience some amazing adventures (Argentina Doves, AK caribou, Saskatchewan Waterfowl, etc.). The best part about the whole deal is, I don’t have any lingering expenses/payments when I get home from hunting AND there is no fight with the wife about money!

We kinda do the same. Question though, do you accompany each other on these ventures? My wife made the comment once (laughingly but she made her point) that I get a twofer, I go on “her” trips and get to spend mine solo (she has no desire to accompany me on most, though had on a few). I sometimes suggest that if I’m gone for a week or two that she flies/drives out to see family or friends. Which happens about 25% of the time. The rest she just enjoys her alone time while I enjoy mine, albeit with a pinch of guilt mixed in. Thoughts??
I couldn’t personally do it, I feel guilty about buying high dollar fuel to drive across the state to hunt or fish. We camp out at Fishing access sites to save money on hotels.

Then again everyone spends money on things they enjoy, me and my daughter is horses and me, boy, and daughter enjoy fishing. Both are expensive. We entirely hunt in state except for one hunt out of state every five to ten years. I really don’t like debt
Everybody's financial situation is different but I'm in the same boat. 30k I just can't justify for one week of hunting that might suck due to weather or other unexpected changes. Knowing what I could do with that 30k for the family. Don't want to make it seem like I'm saying you don't prioritize your family @Addicting because I think we can all see that you do.
Everybody's financial situation is different but I'm in the same boat. 30k I just can't justify for one week of hunting that might suck due to weather or other unexpected changes. Knowing what I could do with that 30k for the family. Don't want to make it seem like I'm saying you don't prioritize your family @Addicting because I think we can all see that you do.
Or just get 100% cancelled with no refund, 2019 should make people look at guided hunts with eyes wide open.
Yeah, but they can’t repossess a moose hunt! :p
I doubt they’d loan the money to anyone who’s a risk of not paying it back.

Does anyone know if you can just walk into a bank and get a $30k loan without any collateral? Or would you have to put up your house or some property as collateral? Maybe get a home equity line of credit?
I doubt they’d loan the money to anyone who’s a risk of not paying it back.

Does anyone know if you can just walk into a bank and get a $30k loan without any collateral? Or would you have to put up your house or some property as collateral? Maybe get a home equity line of credit?
Light bulb just went on....

I doubt they’d loan the money to anyone who’s a risk of not paying it back.

Does anyone know if you can just walk into a bank and get a $30k loan without any collateral? Or would you have to put up your house or some property as collateral? Maybe get a home equity line of credit?
Fairly certain Amex will give some people 23k @5.98% for 36 months with nothing down.
I have. Sorta like pronghorn on the tundra, no?

I always find the pronghorn analogy weird, though I haven’t hunted north of the brooks range, and I haven’t tried the 40mile shooting gallery road hunt. So maybe 🤷‍♂️.

This conversation reminds me of the Italian job were they are all saying what they would buy with their share and Ed Norton says “I’ll just have one of each of yours”.

I think if it’s your dream spend the money, but don’t spend the money if it’s someone else’s dream and they’ve just convinced you it’s cool.

At 34 I want to do as much as I can on my feet/ the hard way, and save as much money as possible.

I fully reserve the right to send you all into full FOMO fits, by on a bunch of $65k hunts when I’m 55.
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