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Load Development in a Time of Scarcity

Blimey, unless you are a target shooter why do this?
I see this a lot in the UK, the hunter trying to achieve the 'clover leaf group' at 100 yards, half the time they couldn't hit a barn door, so blame the rifle and cartridge.
I always say to them 'the animal doesn't have a clover leaf heart, stop chasing, get hunting!'

I started to use Barnes copper, at around $100/50 I can't afford to do ladder tests.
Factory at about $100/20 (measure a factory round, can be a shortcut)
For me, I don't shoot at maximum load, and back off the lands around 30thou.
Works for me.


Lot to be said for that. But 'm one of those that wants groups smaller than I actually need. Nothing to do with hunting, it's actually an ego thing. I could hunt a lifetime using pretty much any factory ammo I could find, ego get's in the way! That and just like to handload and shoot. If I get groups I can't say wow to I figure it needs more work. That is simply more than is required for a hunting rifle!

I might add that if all I could get reloading was hunting accuracy then there actually exists no reason the reload!
I hear ya, but the tinkering is a huge component of the fun for me.
Tinkering is fun... but like the title in a time of scarcity.

I bought a new tikka last summer, broke in the barrel while doing load testing :ROFLMAO:

Got a nice tight group and called it good enough for hunting... probably only shot 10-15 of my reloads. Hardly even started the process if we are being honest, but was good enough to kill a cow at 375 so 🤷‍♂️
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Tinkering is fun... but like the title in a time of scarcity.

I bought a new tikka last summer, broken in the barrel while doing load testing :ROFLMAO:

Got a nice tight group and called it good enough for hunting... probably only shot 10-15 of my reloads. Hardly even started the process if we are being honest, but was good enough to kill a cow at 375 so 🤷‍♂️
Which I totally get.

But for me, this rifle is more than just a “hunting rifle.” I’m using as a good excuse to really learn and hone my reloading game, as well as as way to step up my shooting game.

All told, I reload for my .308, (1) .30-06, 7RM, .30-30, .45-70, and all my pistol calibers - nothing that requires a huge amount of precision because all the rifles aren’t super capable. I’ve got as much accuracy out of them as I can, and now I’m looking for more.

Even in a time of scarcity, I still NEED to tinker. Whether it’s tig welding, reloading, canning, cutting meat, whatever. It’s my meditation. Reloading is my main focus right now because it’s easy to go do after we get the boys to sleep.

Plus, shooting stuff is fun.
Ok, drum roll please…

Did quite a bit of shooting today, horrible conditions - swirling wind, snow, sun, snow again, cold. Oh well.

Shot my 3 groups of 5 shots each, 79.0, 79.2, and 79.5. First photo is my log book velocities/group size, second photo is my groups.


Group 3 came in at 2.8” and distance was 471 yards. So quick knuckle dragger math puts me at a 0.60 MOA group.

I’ll take that.

Also shot a 10 shot string with H1000 and Hammer 199 gr and another with 215 and VV N568. I’ve got some stuff I want to play with, but I’ve at least got enough to load up for bear season!

Thanks for all the advice everyone!

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