Caribou Gear

Little things that bother you. OCD or poor design?

Everytime I pull in the driveway I have a small mental breakdown of sorts. Floor is uneven and I need to rip it out and re poor. I don't know if it's in the budget for this year. I don't know if I can take it for another year though. I guess if I don't draw my elk tag this year that will be one silver lining.
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Shoulda made that cover picture a muley doe with the slogan “the outside is in us all”…

Using a bull elk as a marketing ploy is almost false advertisement
Cutting firewood with my younger brother and he gets bent out of shape if it's not stacked perfectly. Noticed him re-stacking many of the pieces I placed, so next time I left him a random pile to really mess with his mind :LOL:
Put a thermostatic fan/blower in behind my fireplace. There is one spot as the fireplace reaches temp and the fan kicks on and spools up that I hear this little “rattle” in something. Then (like 6 seconds) the fans at speed and it’s gone. Drives me bat shit crazy and it will literally freeze me in place to listen no matter where I’m at in the house. (but alas I still haven’t taken it all apart again to tighten the like 30 screws in the shroud)😡