Lions Without Hounds


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2017
Northern Wyoming
I believe I have read a few threads on here about this, but is there anyone who consistently goes after lions without dogs and either has close encounters or actually gets one? I have hunted cats in the past when I had dogs but currently do not have dogs, and have also tried hunting cats without dogs for a few years and been on fresh tracks but have never had the stars align yet. It is a great reason to get out in the winter though. Any tips, thoughts, or ideas are welcome as I wanted to start a thread on this as I believe a lion without dogs to be one of the ultimate trophies when deliberately done.
I think a person would be very hard pressed indeed to even see a mtn lion without dogs. In all the years I tagged along with my dad and on my own as an adult over 45 years of being in mtn lion country I have seen 3 cats. We always find tracks and kills old and and sometimes very fresh when they were just covered with debris and the blood was not yet dry. So we know the cat was most likely very close but of course we never saw it.
It will be a very tough if not impossible endeavor.
I have called in two while elk hunting with a cow call and two after season with a predator call. With some effort it’s very doable. A friend of mine and member on Hunttalk has shot a few (thinking 4) without hounds.
I think i am going to forego waterfowling this winter and really focus on trying to call in a cat.
I have called in four (that I know of) while wolf or coyote hunting. It might be slightly better odds if you found fresh tracks by running roads after a snowfall and then setup to call. Considering that I live in lion country and call several days a week in the winter its a testament to what a LOW proposition method calling would be to specifically target cats. It is however possible so you might as well give it a try. P.S. Only one came trotting in, the other 3 were all sneaking and I just happened to see them. Good luck!
Went out tonight with my partner and cut fresh bobcat, deer, and elk tracks. Currently snowing at the moment but supposed to stop soon. Will go back in the morning as conditions should be ideal. We are in the right area just above a winter range, just a matter of time before we glass one or cut a fresh track. Will let you know how the morning hunt goes.
I have spotted a couple, one at 30 yards staring right at me. I had no tag. Now,I always carry a tag and have seen a couple toward dusk or early morning, either too far or a female with kittens.

If you can find fresh tracks, especially if they are tracking a fresh deer or elk track, you may be surprised when you walk up on their kill. I have and they are watching you.
Well I spoke too soon. Went back to the canyon this morning, and I was correct on a few things. Absolutely perfect morning to hunt lions. 2 inches of fresh powder, blue skies, and no one else out. Problem was, that after 3 miles in I did not find a single fresh track from overnight or that morning. No bobcats, deer, elk, or anything. Eventually I got cliffed out and had to turn around with nothing seen on my way back. I feel this day was a learning day and a good day to see a bunch of bull elk on the other side of the river. Not sure when I will get out next.
We try using backcountry ski gear to work drainages to cut fresh tracks them "chase" 'em down. We've been at it for three years. We've yet to see a cat. Downhill we can gain ground quick, but uphill they just pull away. Or at least that's how I envision it going.
We try using backcountry ski gear to work drainages to cut fresh tracks them "chase" 'em down. We've been at it for three years. We've yet to see a cat. Downhill we can gain ground quick, but uphill they just pull away. Or at least that's how I envision it going.

No shortage of cats in Washington especially now with no hound hunting, I grew up there and still go back to see my parents.

Interesting tactic you have...and as you mentioned I could see it working too great in one direction, and not even being close the other. Keep at it!
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SD has a lion season with no hounds allowed and they reach quota on occasion. I havnt participated but its doable in the Black Hills.
Gonna go out again this week since the temps will be going up a bit. Will post how things go, but it is getting tough with my wife thinking I now have a girlfriend with me on my phone and computer posting on Hunttalk so much.
If you have an Instagram... i stumbled into a guy that goes by
He is working on getting his 12th spot and stalk lion. And no that’s not a typo. 12!
If you have an Instagram... i stumbled into a guy that goes by
He is working on getting his 12th spot and stalk lion. And no that’s not a typo. 12!

What state is he killing those lions in? Curious as that seems doable in AZ or the like over many, many years.
If you have an Instagram... i stumbled into a guy that goes by
He is working on getting his 12th spot and stalk lion. And no that’s not a typo. 12!

Wow that guy must really have an area dialed in. That's a mind boggling number. I would just like to see ONE in the wild
I read an article several years ago, about 2 or 3 years after Washington outlawed hound hunting. Two guys sorta stumbled onto a successful method by accident. Once they cut fresh tracks in the snow driving logging roads they would start to trail it. One guy would hang back 100 yards or so, depending on terrain, while the other guy followed the tracks. They said they had several cats loop around to see what was following them and they were successful harvesting a few cats that way. I never tried it but very similar to an old buck that slips away unseen only to return to his bed after you pass. Might be worth a shot?
I could have taken my first cat this year, but hadnt purchased a tag of course. It was a chance encounter and only the 3rd Lion Ive seen in 25 years hiking and camping in Lion rich habitat. They are all over in the Missions, kills everywhere. This young Lion was walking a log road right towards me while I had perfect wind. I had posted up for a second to glass the terrain out in front of me, and spotted the cat walking non-chalantly up the road in my direction. I froze and continued to watch him close the approximate 500 yard space between us. At about 75 yards he stopped and looked directly at me, square in the eyes. I had already put my hand on my sidearm, why I did this who knows as Im sure I wouldnt have ever needed it but you know how it goes. :eek:. I swear he must have kept eye contact for a solid 3-4 seconds, then I must have blinked because in less than a second and in one quick flash he disappeared. I just sat there and felt like I had just won the lottery. The first cat I ever saw was in the Bigarm state park right on Flathead lake. This cat had been hanging around all day making various appearances and being reported by several campers. Tribal fish and game ended up killing that lion. I have also decided to give it a try next year without hounds. Good luck, Im sure it will take plenty of it.
Went out yesterday and glassed more elk and deer. No cats. However, there were cat tracks from about 4 days prior in there so they are on the move again. Only a matter of time when the tracks are fresh or I glass one up.