Lion hunting in Colorado potentially a thing of the past


New member
Dec 17, 2000
Littleton, CO, USA
I just heard last night that a bill will be introduced to the Colorado legislature next year to outlaw mountain lion hunting in Colorado. This, evidently, is being spearheaded by that chimpanzee woman. With the continuing Californication of Colorado, this probably has a good chance of passing. What can we do to fight these things?
I thought they did this in California and attacks by mountain lions went way up? Maybe that was just a rumor but I heard that after they banned hunting lions, people were getting attacked on a somewhat regular basis until they re-opened the season??? Anyway the gorilla bitch sucks ass, I hope she gets mauled by one of those cute little kitties!!
If I recall correctly, mountain lion/human encounters did increase after lion hunting was banned in CA. I'm not sure how significant the increase was, however. Lion/pet/livestock encounters I seem to remember were going up too. Moreso than lion/human meetings (as one would expect). I was not aware that hunting lions in CA is legal again. FEW - did you imply that?

It is intersting how the lion hunting ban in CA was accomplished. The cat lovers tried to get the lion listed as an endangered species in CA. That didn't work, as they are not endangered there and science won that argument. So, the anti-hunting movement came back with some sort of initiative to list the cats as 'Specially Protected Animal'. This is a completely arbitrary and meaningless designation that was dreamed up soley for the purpose of outlawing lion hunting. The mountain lion is the only animal with this designation. The unkowledgable public hears the designation and things the population is in trouble. Which its not. With this new designation, they were successfull in getting hunting banned.

At least that's how I remember it happing. Pretty sneaky... and pretty effective.
No its still closed to hunting. I was not aware and had not really followed the whole issue at all. I was just going on what I was told which obviuosly was not completely factual. I think I heard that from someone at a fishin tourney and you cant trust everything them damn fishermen say. I did find a couple interesting anti hunting pages though.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-22-2003 14:04: Message edited by: FEW ]</font>
tmsander said, "What can we do to fight these things?"

What it takes is money and bombarding the streets getting people to vote against the ban.

When its up for public vote thats the only chance you have. Get the facts straight and get people to the polls.

I'd also think about getting the whole idea derailed before it gets a chance to be voted on. Find out who's sponsoring the bill, contact your local state reps and find one that opposes the bill. Get on a letter writing campaign, make as much noise as possible. Find out who heads up the committee that the bill will be sponsored through and try to get them to squash it before its put up for a public vote.

I dont think you'd have a prayer if the public votes on an initiative like that, considering Colorados record so far on similar issues.

Good luck.
Well Buzz is right about colorado's record on such issues.

First the bunny huggers got spring bear hunting abolished. Then they banned all bait hunting for bears. And about ten or so years ago we actually had one year where we had a coyote season! Can you believe that! A fuggin season on coyotes!

I'm sure the DOW will fight that. Lion vs Human encounters are way up. This includes attacks that have been fatal. Plus we have mule deer problems that banning lion hunting will only make matters worse.
Where'd you hear about this proposal Todd? I'd be curious to read the details.

Mule, the DOW was against banning trapping and spring bear hunting, too. When you put it to a vote of the people, all the biology in the world won't change the outcome.

We in Idaho fought against an anti bear hunting initiative that was placed on our ballot about seven years ago. We were successful. I think we were the first state to defeat such a piece of legislation and I think we're still the only state that has been successful in fighting one of these anti hunting for bears or lion bills.

What it's going to take is for every hunter in Colorado to get off their ass and go to work on defeating it. Lots of organization and lots of $.

Who's going to organize the coalition to fight it in CO? I'll be glad to put you in touch with the main organizer in Idaho's effort. He'll advise you on how to get started.
Oak, I heard it from a fellow RMEF committee person that is pretty well connected with people in the machine. I don't know who or even if anyone is spearheading a defense against this. I'm not sure how widely its known. I didn't have any idea about it till the other night.

I doubt the RMEF would get involved, as political involvement is not supposed to be their thing. Nor does it fall directly within their mission.

I'm going to try and do some poking around to see what, if any, formal resistance exists. Hopefully someone capable of organizing an effective fight is doing so. I'd sure like to help in whatever capacity I can be effective in, but spearheading such a thing wouldn't be my forte'. Ithaca, if I find someone interested in talking to your contact, I'll let you know... thanks.
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