Yeti GOBOX Collection

Life's advice and phrases....

^^^We also used to gave a choker setter that, though a nice enough guy, wasn’t the brightest bulb on the tree. Two things the old man used to mutter under his breath when working with him that always cracked me up:

“Tom doesn't know whether to check his ass or scratch his watch”

“He's about as useful as a steering wheel on a mule”
Last one for now, my Uncle Art would just stick his pipe in his mouth and
s-l-o-w-l-y shake his head when my aunt left the room and a good half the time would say “that woman could start an argument in an empty house!”
"Done. Walk away". Jackie Robinson after I punched the bully on a ball field. I was maybe 8?
It turned into my mindset on any task in the future. Plan the task and the finale was "Done,walk away".
House built to last, right. The end of the OP.
My uncle on having to follow a rice-grinder motorcycle on a hot Boise day with the windows rolled down: "That thing sounds like a bee farting in a bottle."

Dad's other brother battling the mosquitoes while fly fishing Handkerchief Lake: "Gawdam bugs are big enough to rape a turkey flat-footed." Man, that was a long time ago. I miss those guys.
My Grampa was a bit of an exagerator- he was always talking about growing up poor, his two favs were:

“His dad squeezed a nickel so tight the Buffalo would bellow!”

“He was so poor, he had a tumbleweed as a pet”

Guess that wasn’t too far from the truth growing up/farming in Twisp WA
Life member of the Spoon and Crockpot Hunting Club. Me but somebody got rich putting it on a shirt.
If you throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one you hit is the one that barks. Sidney W Davis, one of the best supervisors I had in the military
Shakin like a dog shittin peach seeds. My Father in Law
Can't never could. Unknown original source but one from my older brother before I left for basic training
"You'll never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you. You'll always be criticized by someone doing less." - Denzel Washington

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