Yeti GOBOX Collection

Life's advice and phrases....

Probably already posted.

I'll be the if the Lord is willing and the crick don't rise. Someone in the south.
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"Rome wasn't built overnight"
"If you go out and cluck with the chickens you better be able to get up and crow with the roosters"
"Move up or move out"
"Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you"

Ralph W Emerson
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Told to me by my Dad and him by his Grandfather " they all look alike when you turn them upside down! It's when you turn them right side up that you want to be proud of them!
Saw one today:

"Life rarely changes in a positive way without an increase in responsibility.

That can mean taking ownership of your health or committing to a relationship or starting a business.

Whatever it is, if you want the trajectory to change, the amount of responsibility usually has to change.”
“Wait until you’re 40…and then don’t”
My grandfather whenever on the topic of marriage. (Yah my grandma had it rough.)