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Life Time Tags

If the sponsor of this bull wanted to change draw odds in a significant way other than putting more critters on the mountain, require anyone applying to front the tag fees like it used to be. That would do more than anything else to eliminate the “less than committed” from the pool than anything else.
If you figure the average MT hunter applies for sheep for 30 years, statistically speaking only one in three people who apply for those thirty years will ever get to hunt sheep.
The one in 5000 who might get to hunt twice is not a concern for me.
I know 2 different MT resident hunters who have drawn 3 sheep tags, another 4.

My Dad has drawn 2 moose permits.

Another friend who passed away last year, drew and killed 9 goats, but never did get a moose or sheep tag.

I know several that have drawn 2 or 3 goat permits.
I know 2 different MT resident hunters who have drawn 3 sheep tags, another 4.

My Dad has drawn 2 moose permits.

Another friend who passed away last year, drew and killed 9 goats, but never did get a moose or sheep tag.

I know several that have drawn 2 or 3 goat permits.
9 goats is unreal, friends grandpa had 7 I believe. No other tags..... knew a guy who drew all three one year said it was a year from hell
Make it EIL! ( eight in a lifetime)

That’s a lot of goats. Was that when there was like 70+ permits in the bitterroot range?

I’ve got to imagine those were fairly obtainable back then?
One thing that should be put into context is that many of the people who doubled on the big three, drew at least part of the tags when there was no waiting period, and draw odds were much higher. I know a couple of guys who drew goat tags back to back, and a guy that drew 2 moose in 3 years. All were over 30 years ago.

Drawing big three tags 30 years ago has just about nothing to do with drawing big three tags now, with odds that are a fraction of what they were, and a 7 year wait between.

I drew my 3rd goat tag when I was 28 in 1991 and have never drawn a big 3 tag in the next 30 years. I ate the first tag. Much of the issue with multiple draws has already been addressed. No doubt it happens once in a while but it is nothing like it once was.

I talk to guys who whine about never drawing this tag or that tag for many years and few of them applied back in the day, even if they were around. The interest in big 3 tags was tiny compared to what it is now, and it seems to me that every time they try to do something about it they make them have a higher perceived value. Each year it gets worse.

I think that the best way to improve odds would be to reduce applicants that don't even know they are applying, of don't even know where they are applying. Pay up front worked before, I don't see why it wouldn't work now. I used to skip sheep because it cost to apply and then I would have to travel to hunt them. Today most people put in for everything that they think they might someday want to hunt just to build points. We used to skip years when work or finances got in the way. I don't think that there is anything wrong with having to prioritize.

I think that the squared point system is the worst idea ever conceived. It causes people to apply who otherwise wouldn't. Which is the whole idea I guess. Then we bitch about odds.
When I drew my first mountain goat tag, which was before the current point system, the odds of that unit were exactly 1/8 or 12.5%. There were lower odds "trophy" units back then as well, but I just wanted to hunt goats, so I went with good draw odds unit. Cow moose units still have reasonable odds. Unlimited sheep is guaranteed hunt. If a friend draws a big 3 tag, tag along. So much opportunity yet so much complaining these days!
Make it EIL! ( eight in a lifetime)

That’s a lot of goats. Was that when there was like 70+ permits in the bitterroot range?

I’ve got to imagine those were fairly obtainable back then?
Yes, they were issuing 75. My late friend drew the missions a couple times as well as the bitterroots. Back then the mission tag was also good in the Rattlesnake wilderness where he shot 2 of the 9. He also shot 1 goat after work in the Bitterroots.

Not many people alive anymore who have shot goats in the RWA.
"Once in a Lifetime" is relative in most states. Anyone with enough money can get another tag. I buy a sheep raffle and super hunt tickets every year. These don't count against Idaho's OIL limit. I suspect there are people who buy huge blocks of tickets.

Then there are the "Governor's tags". Every time I hear the phrase, I think of Mel Brooks in "Blazing Saddles".

If a state wants to really increase the opportunity for residents hunters to draw big 3 tags, they will stop selling them to NRs. In Idaho, that removes up to 10% of the applicants from the pool.

They will never do this for the same reason they sell raffle and governor's tags. In Idaho, the 10% NR pay (2020 prices) $2101.75 for a big 3 tag, plus $240 for the combo license. Residents pay $199.00 for the tag and $33.50 for the combo.

My money will go for a DIY moose in Alaska.(Approximately ($260 for the Combo and $800 for the locking tag) Especially when they open the border crossings again.
I support it, I think any tag with less than a 10% chance should be once in a lifetime. But with the low number of tags and large number of applicants I dont see it having much of an effect on the odds.
Not sure how I feel about this. I was talking with my buddy last weekend about next year's draws. He's sitting at 17 moose points here in Wyoming, I've got 7 this year. When I told him I wouldn't draw for another 30 years he thought I was nuts, until I explained point creep. He hadn't ever thought about point creep being an issue. I still like the thought that a person can draw the tags in a random lottery, even if some folks get 4 throughout their life, some folks get zero.
I’ll be happy if I draw one sheep, one moose, and one goat tag in my lifetime from apps spread across several states. However I’d rather have it left up to chance that I may or may not draw than legislated that I can’t do it more than once.
I like the current system, it keeps people a little more invested in conservation. If they want to prevent people from drawing multiple times, the first thing they should do is revert back to the old way where you weren't able buy bonus points during your 7 year waiting period. I still can't believe they allow that.
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