LIFE Members..... (this post is for "EVERYONE")

MEATHEAD.. no trouble AT ALL !!! Hell, It's a Awsome Knife !!! I might just pay ya for it and Call it good and keep it !! It's sitting here at my office Wrapped up still

We're actually figureing it out, I just need to take the time to Finalize things. I've just heard to many Bad stories (Maybe most roumors ?) but need to look into them better. Funny how the Simplest of things suck with "LEGAL" stuff sometimes....
Moosie the Rag I mean Mag
sounds good to me, count me in.

I hope you have other fish pic's and stories besides just Bass, no offense meant Delw..

Hope you don't mind, but I think I'm going to keep my signature, I kinda like it

LOL Cali, maybe Oscar could put a passwrod on the centerfold of the magizine so it opens if your of age.
Moosie...sounds good , I think it should soely be for dink game hunters,like me!
By the way I'll be sendin you a check within the next couple weeks. I need to go on a diet anyways!
Is it going to have a Politics/Sportsman's Issue Section????? I nominate Ithaca and Ten Bears as co-editors.

I'm in, I'll bring the $ching$ next weekend.
Count me in.....Finally, a magazine where I might actually have a chance to be featured!!!
Cause the good Lord knows that there are no more monster bucks in Utah, so my dinks will have to do!!!


Thanks Moosie but she just steals it to look at the pictures, darn highschools in California
you should have my money by now.
Say when and my chunk of seed money is on the way.

BTW if you need scenery photo's with no dead animals in them...I'm your guy(you know, the kind you get when hunting trips turn into "accidental tourist" photo safari's)
Hey Erik.... "WHEN" (I said it)

I'm guessing We'll produce one more B/W then go Color. We've had Alot of Intrest. Most guys are waiting til lI produce the Magazine and Aren't willing to front the Newsletter Idea till then, but thats OK. It's still people that say they will be interested.

Here is the Deal. It cost about the Same to do 1000 MAgazines as it does to produce the First one. SO, If I MAke 100 it doesn't save any money then making an extra 900 of them... But then I'm sitting on 900 magazines for nothing. It's not like a Phot copy that it's a "EACH" type deal, Printing press's are different. I could go Cheaper and Cheesy(er) but thats not what this is About !!!!! Bigger, and Better

If (When) I go this Route I would be looking for some distribution help. Help to Distribute some of these to Family, Friends, Busness's that leave them out like Dentists, Doctors, Hair cutting places.

Would people be willing to do that ? Hopefully people would pick it up and Want to order a copy.

Right now we'd be looking at needing about 200 people to sign up to break even. We're still under 100. I don't mind fronting the money for this Project if I know that people would Enjoy it.

Just thinking ... And typing.... And Waiting for some more input
Set your go date! Divvy up the cost amongst the bretheran and publish man. I'll be needing about five copies for strategic location and there is a distinct possibility that I could sell them at the Legion or VFW. Five or ten copies won't last very long bud. That times a hundred participants depletes your first run. Zample I need one for the barber shop, Legion, Sporting goods store, with mine I've already eaten up four. Think I can't find another six interested folk??
Here's a thought, for what it's worth. How about posting how much total $$ you need to get the magazine off the ground? Then everyone, who wants to, can pitch in to a "Tin Cup" until enough is raised.
Then sell subscriptions and enlist everyone to help distribute.
Well there's a couple people at work that would more than likly be interested in it.

I wonder if Cabela's or Gander Mountain would let us put some in their lobby or at the check-out counters, interested people could grab one on their way out the door. I could check into that if you would like, i'm sure that would drum up some business.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-09-2004 10:25: Message edited by: Reddoggie1 ]</font>
DaGriz... I'd be running around 6-8k Min Out of Pocket this year If I "GO FOR IT" and put out 4 quarters worth...With Mailing, Producing Pressing and Publication. I don't even Want to start talking about what I would spend in time, running around, Compiling Stories Etc. Etc.

Thats not the point really, I think It could Fly, And we could put out some Good stuff.
Circulation would be pretty easy for a magazine like this.

you send as many out \to people that would take them and have them give them to hunting store (10-20 each store) With the group we have around here it would cover every store in the use.
out a price tag on them what ever is fair.

Thats how alot of mags get started .

The first issue one you might have to donate, or just break even.

Easy enough Moosie, Get me some extras when you publish and I take the to the bird club, my wifes work (blood center) I can get a lot of people interested in it.
Hey Moosie... I noticed you didn't respond to my suggestion pertaining to leaving some mag's at Gander Mountain and Cabela's, should I take that as a "NO" you're not interested in that idea??


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-10-2004 09:04: Message edited by: Reddoggie1 ]</font>
Reddoggie, I'd be interested in leaving it anywere that someone would enjoy it and maybe get it. I'm not sure that Cabela's would like "Cometition" even though I'm "NOT" technically. I definately wouldn't want to go toe to toe with Cabelas in a lawsuit or something... Because With my conections, I'd put them out of Business

All that being said, Mojave sent me a List so I can get the Thanx you letters out and I didn't see your name on the list ? I'm guessing she just messed up, or is the "check in the mail"

We're going more and More twards the Idea. We got info and some Momentum, The printing cost and the Idea about not getting to crazy to fast is were we're at right now.

It sounds like a Plan but there is [ALOT to do before we even get the first issue of fthe ground. I'd like to get the first issue out tomorrow but I can't.

All I can say is don't expect too much to fast. It's kind of like The site, It took awhile but we're geting there and it's getting better all the time.
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