Life Changing news.....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
There are times in life that change you. I remember Graduating High School at 16 and Moving to Switzerland. I remember meeting my Wife and Remember getting married. I remember my wife telling me she was Pregnant for the First time and I remember alot of things that were turning points were you feel like you just took a Step up in life....

You know how Sometimes things change your life for the better ? I'm about at that point. Later this week could be one of those moments. Don't want to Blurt anything out yet, but Wish me luck..........
You graduated high school at 16!!!?? Man you musta be a genius, it took me 5 years to get out of High School, everyone I knew did it in 4. I been behind ever since. No wonder Moosie is leader of the pack.
You were offered a job in South Africa, as a professional hunting guide. The job pays 250K/year. I'd take the job!!!! Good luck.
Good luck then to what ever it is you are in the middle of...

I would suppose we will be some of the first to hear about it if it all goes well....

Some one buying your business for cash and you will be doing one of those life changes...

Or your oldest boy got the neighbor girl pregnant and your going to be a grandfather... ;) :D:D:D
Good luck Moosie, I hope you get what you are hoping for. If not, life is still treating you pretty good.
I'll bet he's been looking into that sex change operation he's always wanted :D Or he's going in to get that carpal tunnel thing fixed hump you know from all that :wank: he does

Good luck hump

HAHA... My Fortune at the Chineese lunch today said "Rome was not built in a day. Be Patient". WTF is that crap. I'm all about the NOW !!!

I can Honestly say I'm not coming out of the Closet, I actually like in in there.
I'm also not fixing the Carperal tunnel, Doctors saythey can't fix somethnig that far gone.
I'm not Pregnant although my wife is.. and We're due in about 4 weeks(ish)
My oldest boy is "8" so I hope he's not getting Chicks Pregnant.
I'm not selling anything.
Although I'd like to move to Africa for 250k/yr I'd be divorced so Thats not an Option.

Thanx for the "blind" well wishes, Info will follow later, but I love the Guess's :D

Some other Events that are going on is my Mom Flys in Wed (Not anything to do with my future) from visiting her family in Switzerland and I'm letting her stay in on of my new Homes I just bought. I'm also letting her use my Comuter Car I have. (I rather drive the Truck anyways). Mojave said "Well aren't you just a Little Suck up Son"... Or something like that..... Geesh :p I decided to Dabble in the Realestate Market and The timeing was great to have a Place for my mom to stay while my dad is getting settled in with his New Job in AK. The other few homes I'm building I hope to have Rented out, Also Fingers crossed :D
Off Topic is Fine, I'm not sure I even gave this thread a Topic ... HEHEH...

I will tell her. She's been Swamped lately. She goes through Phases and Is in a Remodeling Phase and Yard Phase. She ripped up her Backyard and putting in a fountain or something.. She's also doing School (For some Crazy reason, Hell, her hubby is a Chemical Engineer, Stay at home and cash the Dam Dividen Checks Chick !!!! :p Her kids do Violin, Dancing, and Who knows what else....HEll, I don't keep track :)

Her oldest boy has a B-day on Wed and I'll be over there Wed night. Or they are gonig swimming in the Afternoon or something, At any rate, I'll drop her a Howdy and let her know to get back to Bizz-nass at Hunttalk ;)
Speaking of People missing in action. Has anyone heard from the newly weds(Washington Hunter and WH's chick or whatever)ARe they still on their honeymoon? Havent heard from them is some time. Havent heard from Curly either.
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