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Life Changing news.....

Congrats on the Results..... I'm still waiting for mine.. I did hear I didn't get the house.. Bastages !!!!

Whas a Nuclear Stress test ? I'm worried jsut by the sounds of it. That alone should raise the ol' blood pressure !!!!
They shoot radioactive isotopes into your arterie so they can watch your heart. First they take pictures while your at rest. Then 3 hours later, they give you somemore, and have your run on a treadmill to get your heart rate up. The nurse that was hooking up the links was telling another nurse that she had tan lines, and wanted to get rid of them before some shindig she was going to. I tried to make a deal where she showed me the tan lines, that would boost my heart rate and I wouldn have to use the treadmill. In exchange, she could sunbathe nude on my boat. She just rolled her eyes like my wife does. Then I had to get on the treadmill.

Thanks for all the congrats guys. I feel loved now.
I don't care anymore Moosie!

.......LIAR !!! :D

I woulda given up 3 months ago.

Some things are worth "not giving up", that's what's wrong with society now a~days, I'm like the Frog below.......... :)


...well it is Friday...again.

AHHH and so it is.. and my 33rd B-day is tomorrow !!!!! So I'm gunna leave work early... OHH looky at the time, I'm already late for our dinner, Go figure :p
On 8-22-05 Moosie said

"You know how Sometimes things change your life for the better ? I'm about at that point. Later this week could be one of those moments. Don't want to Blurt anything out yet, but Wish me luck.........."

Then on 1-27-06 Moosie said:

"Don't want to Blurt anything out yet, but it's getting closer.......... "

I tought you said you would know in a week, its only been about four months now. Something that takes 4 months of planning isn't the kind of thing a guy just blurts out. Now stop playing games and tell us what it is that your so proud of or let it drop and know it probably wasn't meant to be.

You really know how to keep this audience on the edge of it's seat don't you Oscar.....
You dont have to wait any longer!!!Moosie is up for an oscar for his leading role in the rear pounding epic movie BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN :D :D :D
Now we can move on to bigger and better thing's.

hump hump hump hump
WTF...its on....and Moosie didnt put Out AT ALL during the making of that show.. Last time I go camping with him. (not that I didnt get a good laugh during his shower scene)

"Love is a force of nature... but not when nature calls." <--Moosie's quote