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Less is…less.

the nikster

Well-known member
May 4, 2005
Caribou numbers are down worldwide (unnamed source)
Salmon numbers are down worldwide
Crab numbers are down
Tuna numbers are down
Shark numbers are down
Mulie numbers are down
It is almost as if this planet has an axe to grind with me personally.
What other numbers are down?
I’m not asking about central gulf sea mollusks or other indicator species (although that might be a curious list).
What I've noticed most in my lifetime is the drop of insects and bees. Summers around home the windshield would get so bad some evenings you couldn't keep it clean, don't have that here anymore.
East coast striped bass are way down, waterfowl in the Atlantic flyway, pheasant's have been gone since I was a kid. There's been some increases, we've got turkey where there were none 20-30 years ago, deer numbers are up around my area, but the game commission is looking to put an end to that with CWD tags.
I’ve noticed the dinosaur numbers have been down lately. 99.9% of everything ever. Are we really that naive to believe we or anything around us is the .1 that will be forever?
This earth is on its last days, and will not be here much longer, all of creation is getting worn down.
In the words of that comedian, the earth will be just fine, we’re f’ed.
I’ve noticed the dinosaur numbers have been down lately. 99.9% of everything ever. Are we really that naive to believe we or anything around us is the .1 that will be forever?

In the words of that comedian, the earth will be just fine, we’re f’ed.
Following up on that,
Statistically, every plant or animal that has ever lived, is dead. Despite all the life you see around you, it is a very very small amount compared to what has died.
For ages, survival of the best adapted has been the rule. People have turned that on its head for our species. Not to get political, but the best adapted provide meds, power, food, housing, etc. Over time this weakens our species.
Every year existing animals adapt to a point that they become a new species. Every year less capable animals and plants die off.
White sheep is an oxymoron for me. I want then to proliferate so I can kill one.
Snow geese and mosquitos seem to be doing just fine. Whitetail and hogs adapted to live around us. Either animals adapt to live around people, with our expanding dominance and filth, or they die. The only "wild" animals living in big cities are rats and pigeons...
In the Grand Scheme of things … humans are a cancer on this earth. Regardless of good intentions or not, humans always screw thing up in regards to our environment.

Humans are the only animals privileged enough to have the spare resources and time to view themselves with distain.

I don’t adhere to this sort of secular original sin. I don’t tell my children they are a cancer because I don’t believe it to be so, but this world is full of people who, maybe due to something deep within themselves, verbally self flaggelate. I think in the grand scheme of things, humans are just animals doing what animals do - going where their brain chemistry takes them. Our destiny seems far more under our influence than other critters, and if we are to change it for the better, it won’t come from a message of guilt.

Whether something is up or down, really requires the context of the timeline we are discussing, but when it comes to my neck of the woods, the only thing on that list that is down is mule deer. Though relative to “historic” levels, Bison used to wander the hill on which my house exists, the “Sheep Mountain” on which I grew up was named for sheep no longer there, and Griz were way more prevalent. Native fish - cutthroat, grayling, etc are down locally. I also get a anecdotal sense that Robins, bluebirds, and other songbirds are less prevalent than when I was young.

Truly though, relative to the last hundred or so years, Whitetail, elk, birds of prey, black bears, wolves - all trending up in my lifetime.

I certainly wouldn’t argue though that in the big picture, our planet isn’t in trouble.

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