Less Access = Less People = Less Probability of getting Caught

NEMONT, who brought up the shoplifting example? CLUE, it wasn't me.
Things sometimes are counter intuitive. When poaching is taking place in remote areas it is often more detectable because people who use the area may be more likely to report it.(Or cover it up, depending on the group they are with.) In addition fewer people means there are also fewer suspects to investigate and fewer suspects leads to higher conviction rates because the investigators can focus.(Fewer people also means theere are fewer possible witnesses that may report the incident.) Also trophy poachers have a really stupid habit: They can't keep their mouths shut. Neither can successful legitmate hunters. Can you tell the difference?) Joe sixpack who poaches a doe takes it home to be butchered in the garage and bones thrown to the dogs. (Yet he still tells his freinds, and gets caught) Trophy poachers take pics, get mounts etc., etc. (So do legitmate hunters. Again, can you tell the difference?)
Cheese, WTF are you going to show me that I dont already know? You going to show me how to set up a cookie oven? Dig pits in the woods?

I'd have to spend all day trying to get you to understand just the basics of anything to do with forestry, range management, etc. etc. etc.

Frankly, if I wanted to spend time teaching people like you...I would give a lecture to a classroom full of third graders. At least they'd listen
LMAO Buzz....
There aren't to many things I could possibly teach you, it is hard showing people some thing when they don't want to see, and I have never offered to show you any of the things you have mentioned above, and..... well.... You know it! ;) :)
But we sure wouldn't want to go there now would we? :)
Ten Beers,

You seem to struggle with explaining your original equation. You were the one that made a claim on the reduction of the PROBABILITY of being caught on an act of poaching, presumably based upon the proximity of roads to the act. After 6 pages, you have yet to list the probability and where you get your realative judgement.

But, given that you seem to be the expert on poaching and roads, could you share with us where the greatest ABSOLUTE quantity of game is poached? In areas with road access or areas without access via Fat Assed ATV riders?

Thanks in advance, unless you weasel and don't answer.

Instead of talking in the obtuse, why not explain what you will show Buzz and what you will teach him. Who knows, maybe somebody else will want to enroll in your School of Hard Knocks.....
BBB4, let me see if I can work my way through you rantings, and keep it coherent
BinBandB4 said:
Ten Beers,

You seem to struggle with explaining your original equation.
No, I believe you struggle with the concept of the equation. The equation itself is pretty self explanatory (and it doesn't mean: Less Access = Less People = More Poaching).
BinBandB4 said:
You were the one that made a claim on the reduction of the PROBABILITY of being caught on an act of poaching, presumably based upon the proximity of roads to the act.
You are the one making claims that the probability has to do with roads. Here is another equation for you to attempt: More Access = More People = More LIKELIHOOD (=Probability) of Poachers being seen = More Probability of Poachers being Caught. So, yes ultimately D = A = B = C = 1/A = 1/B = 1/C = 1/D.
BinBandB4 said:
After 6 pages, you have yet to list the probability and where you get your realative judgement.
"realative judgement"? I'm not sure what your trying to say, but I believe the equation I just posted should answer that clearly enough.

BinBandB4 said:
But, given that you seem to be the expert on poaching and roads, could you share with us where the greatest ABSOLUTE quantity of game is poached? In areas with road access or areas without access via Fat Assed ATV riders?
I am no expert on poaching, either near or far from roads, but I am basing my equation on my personal OBSERVATIONS, and those observations made my [freinds] other sportsmen [that] I know. Maybe I could give you some guidance if you could clarify your question. However, since my original equation had nothing to do with roads, ATV's, or the size of anybodys rear end. Maybe you could quantify and qualify those aspects. Possibly you could quantify you question???

BinBandB4 said:
Thanks in advance, unless you weasel and don't answer.
I hope that answer was sufficient enough for you. I don't recall you ever attempting to answer many of the questions I have put to you.(?)
Holy Moooolly this thread is getting confusing...how about if we all agree that there are all types of poachers/poaching... and they all suck.and are lowdown game thieves. Now i call for a group hug.
cjcj said:
Holy Moooolly this thread is getting confusing...how about if we all agree that there are all types of poachers/poaching... and they all suck.and are lowdown game thieves...
Ultimately D = A = B = C = 1/A = 1/B = 1/C = 1/D. Exactly. :D :D :D

Now if some others could just grasp that.....
TB- I would like you to site any source that would state there is a higher probability of getting caught poaching where there are more people. (Please make it a believable third party not "my opinion and those I hang around with".) Then, please site a source that would state there is a higher probability of getting caught where there is more access.

Your assumptions have no merit as they are merely guesses. They are simply opinions. Nemont and I have both asked people who are in the field and both have said there is no correlation. I will thank you in advance for your sources.
You know the mods lock post around here at the drop of a hat anymore. This one should be locked simply on principle. It has been BEAT TO DEATH and now lets move on to another equally engaging discussion.

I beg the mods lock this one and let it end. The others got locked.

the mods dont get locked at the drop of the hat. Heck in the last 7 years I bet less than 30 posts have been locked.

Only reson they will get locked if the namecalling BS keeps on going, when the guys quit doing this posts wont get deleted or locked.
I finally figured out the best way to deal with all this BS. I went to their profiles and put Ten Bears, and BHR on "Ignore". Now I don't even have to waste time skipping over their posts, it's done automatically. Wish I had done it a long time ago. They never post anything worth reading anyway. I got a few more I'm going to put on "Ignore", too, when I see one of their posts again. Ringer is next. :D
MattK said:
TB- I would like you to site any source that would state there is a higher probability of getting caught poaching where there are more people. (Please make it a believable third party not "my opinion and those I hang around with".) Then, please site a source that would state there is a higher probability of getting caught where there is more access.

Your assumptions have no merit as they are merely guesses. They are simply opinions. Nemont and I have both asked people who are in the field and both have said there is no correlation. I will thank you in advance for your sources.
MATTy, please feel free to reference any of NEMONTs posts about near roads.
Now I'm confused he says, shifting to a more interesting topic-Ithaca, if you can't "see" what michaelr was posting to you, how did you know to respond??

...Maybe I'll just put all of HuntTalk on my Ignore List...except for Delw, then I'd jsut be able to see whose banned ;) :D
Marv, Try putting someone on "ignore" and you'll see how it works. You can un-ignore them any time you want. When they're on "ignore" I can see when they post, just not the message. As far as responding to anyone on my "ignore" list; they're so predictable I don't have to read what they post to know how to respond. :D Besides, they never post anything intelligent enough to merit a response. :D I'm done wasting time reading what they post. I wouldn't waste time talking to them in real life, why should I read what they post? hump

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