Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Less Access = Less People = Less Probability of getting Caught

Ten beers,

I think you've been paddled enough by Nemont, YRH, Matt, Ithaca, Erik, etc. etc. etc.

You've lost this debate...big-time.

The only thing more pathetic than your arguement...is that you CONTINUE to argue and make an ass of yourself. |oo
Ten Beers and Cheese- I would invite any game warden to follow me into any area. I would contend Buzz would do the same thing (as long as they don't spook the game). Game Wardens would be wasting a lot of time but I would be more than happy to let them come with me.

Bottom Line: People who go that far back probably don't need to poach as they are able to get larger game without poaching. Less hunting pressure better odds of getting trophy animals LEGALLY. Nobody is contending there isn't poaching done everywhere. The contention is the bulk of poaching is done where there are more people. More people are in areas that have more roads and better access. You can make your own conclusion from there.
Nothing like reading only what you want into a post... Falling into the same old trap as a few others here... Only see what you want to see, only read what you want to read...
Or is it your just feeling a little guilty.

There are things that are inherent in all of us, it just depends upon whether we act on impulse or follow thru with what is moral that sets us apart.

Problem here, same as always, there are a few that read ten tons of fertilizer into an ounce of planting space. Then they over flow the whole area with nothing but useless crap... ;)

yrh.... If you think I do things that aren't ethical or moral, come follow me around? But then again, that actually has to commit to some thing and we all know you can't commit to any thing and I wouldn't want to leave you behind in the mountains by yourself looking for me because you couldn't keep up.
Showing my true colors!!, that is rich, coming from some on that hides behind screens and is petrified of what may happen if he actually came out of the closet himself... Kind of like calling the kettle black isn't it? :)
Besides Matt...
Not all of us are only after the big head, there is so much more to hunting and all it has to offer. :)
Cheese said, "Not all of us are only after the big head, there is so much more to hunting and all it has to offer."

True, and if some of us didnt hunt for better animals, they'd be done hunting in a couple hours.

The reason some hunters CHOOSE to hunt larger animals is to extend their days in the field rather than just pound an average animal the first couple hours....They've long ago realized that spending days afield is more important that just filling the freezer or filling a tag.
I didn't say I was afraid of sticking a 'lope in the Suburban, I just said it was not the best smelling deal for the ride home.

And then you have to go and show off with Elk that you can't get the hatchback closed. How come there isn't a picture of the 12 pack in the back?

Where's Moosie's pictures of his Elk rack from this year in the back of hte Lumina???

To be honest, the smell of an Elk is a bit better than a smell of a 'lope, in my opinion.

I think we have all figured your ethics and morals. From your salmon in your freezer from the Salmon River by Salmon, ID, to the holes suitable for Meth Labs you dug, to your necrophilliac pictures you posted. You are a sick one.

Sorry you dont "get" it, and likely never will.

YRH, good thing I wasnt drinking a soda...it would have been all over the screen. HAHA

The cheese is one class act!
I think we have all figured your ethics and morals. From your salmon in your freezer from the Salmon River by Salmon, ID, to the holes suitable for Meth Labs you dug, to your necrophilliac pictures you posted. You are a sick one.
I have been educated.... Steelhead are not Salmon... They are being Smoked right now as we speak, would you like a piece to have analized?
And I would like to see this meth lab you speak of...
But then again, you can say a lot, but never seem to produce much... :)
And I know you had to run off and be alone for a minute when you saw the pics... You enjoyed them and you know it;)
YRH, cant you just see the cheese trying to pronounce "necrophilliac". He's probably dragging out Websters standard desk dictionary about now...tomorrow, after his nap, cookies, and milk, he might be offended.

Then again, he may think its a badge of honor at his next meeting in Warm Springs.
I have been educated.... Steelhead are not Salmon... They are being Smoked right now as we speak, would you like a piece to have analized?
And I would like to see this meth lab you speak of...
But then again, you can say a lot, but never seem to produce much... :)
And I know you had to run off and be alone for a minute when you saw the pics... You enjoyed them and you know it;)

Please don't post the pictures of the Steelhead that you have "analized", that is flippin' disgusting.

It is hard to imagine what kind of sick and perverted minds are out there, but you sure do a good job of showing the rest of us the levels of debauchery that exsist.

My guess is he still hasn't found out how to use a dictionary....
I have one of those... :)
I have been to warm springs and your reletives are still wondering why you don't come visit, they think your ashamed of them or some thing... Poor Buzz... :(
"analized"....... a steelhead?? :eek: :eek:
Now that was funny? :D
Sorry Elkie, they got ya on that one :(
Your going to catch it for awhile. |oo |oo
I thought gunner would like that little one... ;)
Still, would you like some for genetic testing?
Oh, yea, that would take a little more than you are willing to put out....;)
I really think the high hopes are what your after.... :)
In defense of ELKCHSR, Steelhead are salmon, and in order not to take this off topic any further:
salm·on (săm'ən)
n., pl. salmon or -ons.
Any of various large food and game fishes of the genera Salmo and Oncorhynchus, of northern waters, having delicate pinkish flesh and characteristically swimming from salt to fresh water to spawn.
A moderate, light, or strong yellowish pink to a moderate reddish orange or light orange.

steel·head (stēl'hĕd')
The anadromous variety of the rainbow trout, having silvery, unstriped sides.

salm·o·nid (săm'ə-nĭd, săl'mə-)
Of, belonging to, or characteristic of the family Salmonidae, which includes the salmon, trout, and whitefish.

[From New Latin Salmōnidae, family name, from Salmō, type genus, from Latin salmō, salmōn-, salmon. See salmon.]
salm'o·nid n.

Now back to reading comprehension 101, and "Less Access = Less People = Less Probability of getting Caught".
Steelhead are trout. Sea-run rainbows to be exact, that, unlike true pacific salmon, do not die after spawning.

Two different "kinds" of fish although both salmonids. Horses and donkey's are both equines and both distinct "types" are they not?

Thanks for the reply. I was going to try explaining the difference, but figured it would be a waste of time.

I didnt want to have to read another 100 posts as the village idiot (ten beers) argues that steelhead are salmon.

Two entirely different fish.

Because ten beers and elkcheese dont know that steelhead are not salmon, they didnt pass grade school biology class, and their comprehension is a bit bad...I'll post something they might understand.

This would be a steelhead:

This would be a salmon, a king salmon:


They are not the same fish, and anyone with at least one firing brain cell should be able to see that...

Have fun proving that steelhead are salmon.
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