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Left-hand rifle options


New member
Dec 27, 2016
Northern, MN
I’m looking to buy a new rifle before next season. I am left handed and looking for a bolt action which limits some options. I was initially leaning toward the Tikka t3x lite stainless but can get a good deal on the Savage 110 storm. I think I’m set on getting either one in 270 if that makes a difference. Anybody compared these two before? Would the Tikka be worth the extra money?
I don't think that there is a bad choice, there. I, personally, have not had that Savage, but have shot others for years and I like Savages. The Tikka would be my choice, now, though.
I have (and do) own a number of savage rifles base on the 110 action and several Tikka T3Xs. The savages will shoot but the are not in the same class as the tikkas in my experience. An easy choice from my perspective.
I picked up a lefty tikka t3x hunter in 30-06 last year and love it. Nice looking gun and a great shooter. Handled the savage and the fit wasn’t as comfortable for me.
I know a few lefties that shoot right handed rifles though I know that wasn’t your question but a consideration Ruger #1 is good for lefties also. Of the choices presented, I’d prefer the Tikka.
I was between those two rifles as well when I was shopping for a new lefty. Ended up with the tikka when they were closing out the t3. Love the gun, my only critical points are the clip limits the ability to adjust your oal of your cartridge and nobody builds an economical stock for tikka in left hand, but nobody really does for savage either. If you dont reload magazine length doesn't matter and if you are cool with an off the shelf gun no worries with the tikka. All this being said, mine in 300 mag will shoot about 1/2 moa.
My wife has a left Remington 700 in.270 which is exceedingly accurate. The 700 also has a long barrel than a Tikka or Savage, 24", which translates to a little higher velocities, but I have a couple of T3X's and really like them.

There are different things to like about just about anything, but in my experience , Tikkas and Rem 700's are accurate, reliable, and have a certain rugged quality I have found in everything.
I have had some left hand Remington 700s, a left hand Browning A-Bolt, and a left hand Tikka T3X. The Tikka is the lightest of the bunch and it has the smoothest action.

Despite a less than stellar experience with an A-Bolt (I couldn’t find a bullet over 165 gr that it would shoot), I would probably give Browning another try if the left hand X-Bolt were available in stainless and in a chambering I wanted. Since it is not, I think I will soon have another Tikka in 300 WSM.
Remington 700 spa and ruger american are available in LH also. Bought my son a 7mm08 in the ruger american and is a great shooting gun for the money
+1 for the Tikka. Smooth action and very accurate. Get the vertical grip. Also recommend the Browning; very high quality rifle and its not too much to get one cerakoted.
I shoot left-handed, but own and shoot both right and left-hand rifles. I have no issue with either one. One thing that is a consideration, is that if you try to sell a left-hand rifle, it is a much more difficult task, than selling a right-hand one. It really never bothered me, as I haven't ever sold any of my left-hand rifles, but if you like to keep switching rifles, it can be an issue.
I was between those two rifles as well when I was shopping for a new lefty. Ended up with the tikka when they were closing out the t3. Love the gun, my only critical points are the clip limits the ability to adjust your oal of your cartridge and nobody builds an economical stock for tikka in left hand, but nobody really does for savage either. If you dont reload magazine length doesn't matter and if you are cool with an off the shelf gun no worries with the tikka. All this being said, mine in 300 mag will shoot about 1/2 moa.
I’ve been looking for and aftermarket stock for my Tikka for years. Can’t find one in like that is lightweight or to my liking yet.
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