Law enforcement in Colorado

Have a friend that works for HWP in MT and he was originally placed in a very undesirable location in Eastern MT. They’ll place you where they need you. He eventually did his time and relocated to a location that he liked. Bozeman PD was hiring, I believe their compensation package is the highest in the state. Still not enough to live in Bozeman. 780k for a single family home in Bozeman. My brother just graduated from the FBI academy and listed his top field office as Denver. He got placed in New England… They’ll be renting for the foreseeable future as they can’t find housing in their budget.

I’d give a hard look at housing before looking at any particular department. Tip my hat to anyone in law enforcement in this day and age. Just read that a Georgia LEO got fatally shot on his first day of the job…
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Great Falls PD and Cascade County Sheriffs Office are always looking for people. I think Montana Highway Patrol has a class going all the time also. The pay isn't like the other states but the quality of life in Montana is well worth it and the outdoor opportunities are there for everyone's needs.
Have a friend that works for HWP in MT and he was originally placed in a very undesirable location in Eastern MT. They’ll place you where they need you.
They’ve changed that now. You get to choose your town if there are openings available.
Does anyone work in LE in Colorado or know any information about it? I’m looking for a career change in a different state. State patrol or local police. Thanks
I wish you the best in your search for a LE career. I have 46 years in LE. In todays world, I doubt there is a LE Agency in North America that isn't trying to hire officers. I suggest that you check the politics of the area you are considering. If the administration and legislative bodies are not backing it's officers, move on.
I worked in local LE in Utah for almost 10 years. It was a great job and I worked with a bunch of good people. However, I would not work in local LE now. I transferred to federal LE 15 years ago. It will take longer but federal LE is a better career choice if you are set on a LE career. They have a better retirement and generally get paid more.

All across the county, now is not the best time to be in LE. I do think the pendulum will swing back from crazy but it will take some time.
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Tough career choice at the moment in many areas. Good news is jobs are a dime a dozen right now. People leaving the profession at alarming rates and agencies struggle to get solid applicants. Definitely go federal is possible if you chose to go. Very competitive for federal positions though if you are a veteran that will help.
Have you considered DOC? Colorado is always hiring state DOC and you don't have all of the state patrol issues, but still the good pay and benefits. I worked for DOC in Indiana and in our academy we had 12 former state patrol officers just trying to get out of the BS and keep their benefits.
Agreeing with others. Co workers always said we should have been a fireman. Everyone loves a fireman compared to L.E.
Does anyone work in LE in Colorado or know any information about it? I’m looking for a career change in a different state. State patrol or local police. Thanks
Like others have mentioned, CO is not the place I'd look to start an LE career. I'd invite you to come to Iowa. Our Governor has taken steps to strengthen our qualified immunity, where CO has taken away their officers QA. And like others have mentioned, nearly every agency in the U.S. is hiring. Pretty much if you have a pulse, a valid driver's license, and a fairly clean record, you'll get hired if you can pass the entrance tests, physical, etc. We also have good retirement pensions, a good quality of life in Iowa, and a fairly low cost of living. I've been in LE for just short of 24 years now, all in Iowa. Ask any questions you'd like if ya have any. It's been a good career for me, but I'll be honest, considering the climate towards LE nowadays, It's hard for me to recommend it to anyone. I'm glad that I'm a couple yrs away from the end of it, but I still admire those who want to pursue it.
Too piggy back on @bradr a little. Im in the south and we currently have a stand up Governor that has our back..That being said you're one election away from saying otherwise. I'm 13 years in so a little over half way to the finish line. The pension is worth it and I'd recommend getting off road patrol as quickly as your agency will allow you to transfer to a specialty unit. Some unit's are better than others it just depends on your personal career goals. Having said all this I don't recommend it to anyone climate or otherwise.
Go Federal. Stick w/ angling towards Dept of Justice.
Any Vet status?
Streer clear of Border Patrol morale has tanked over the barrage of this Administration's political hanging demonization.
Qualified Immunity is a necessity in a world where human error is magnified 10000x's in LE matter of a second and less to make a decision.
Unless RoboCop to the rescue?

Really though... IMO, either Fed LEO or County Fire.

To hell with single officers becoming the political kneejerk flick of garbage.
Southern CO would be a great move for you! Any form of LE you could provide would be great! Have some clients and friends that are in L.E. and could use some help! No idea about internal politics but there will that B.S no matter where you go.
Pretty much every metro and rural career fire department out West is hiring and people don't hate firefighters! Find a place that has seperate EMS and be a non transport medic and live that dream! Housing will remain impossible regardless of the profession though.
I am a prior County LEO (prior to the Army) and Federal Agent (after the Army) who has lived in Colorado Springs for 12 years. I will say that Colorado is really 2 states currently. There is the Denver/Boulder/FoCo metroplex and then there is ACTUAL Colorado. Bad news is that the population/voting base has been Californicated on the state level. Good news is that the rest of the state is very pro LEO and the departments generally exhibit reasonableness (for instance, NONE of the country sheriff's outside of the metroplex will enforce the 15 round mag ban or the "red flag" law and have said so publicly). Colorado Springs is looking for officers and pays well (in excess of 80k base pay) in a city that is comparably low risk....for comparison, I am from Indianapolis which is about twice the size of COS Indy murders in 2020-215, COS murders in 2020-39(and it was only 28 the year before). Housing is NOT cheap though. For a decent house, in a good school district you should plan on $450k+ and rising.

With all that being said, I will reiterate what some have said above and advise against a move to LEO in the current environment. If you have ANY interest in the fire service that is where I would point you. Most local fire departments get equal pay to police plus the super sweet schedule AND having public adoration (NOBODY is running around trying video firemen to sue). My father in law retired as a Deputy Chief for the FD in my wife's hometown and worked almost full time as an electrician the entire time as well (EVERY FD guy I have known has another well paying gig on the side). If you HAVE to do LEO work consider doing it in the military...safer, more respect, MUCH better benefits and after you get promoted a couple of times pretty decent pay. Feel free to PM any ?s
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