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1 week post op appt from LASIK today. As others posted should have done it 10 years ago. I waited until I could afford to pay outright 35 y/o but would have financed at 25 to get it in hindsight. 20/20 and suppose to keep clearing. I had astigmatism but man what a feeling! My symptoms were just as the brochure read. Day 1 sleep as much as you can some discomfort but was 100 times better when I took the tape off the eyes (they tape 1 eye shut... at lease my place did). Slept like a baby for about 12 hours (thanks vallum). Woke up and drove to my day after follow up appt and no issues since. I did the drops 4 times a day for a week for anti-inflammatory and antibiotic then a gel type wetting at bed. No issues and I love it. I can see the alarm clock when I have to wake up to pee or let the dog out now.
I currently use contacts that give me farsighted vision during hunting season and then use cheaters if I have to read. LASIK would definitely be less hassle.
Had PRK due to job in military, roughly 12 years ago for nearsightedness. Could of drove home, day 2/3 sucked, not from pain but eyes watered so badly i had to lay around. They said if i didnt use steroids and related meds i would heal faster so i didnt. By day 5 after surgery other than some dryness i was 90% but told i would need readers eventually. Still dont need readers and only negative effect is i am definately more light sensitive.
1 week post op appt from LASIK today. As others posted should have done it 10 years ago. I waited until I could afford to pay outright 35 y/o but would have financed at 25 to get it in hindsight. 20/20 and suppose to keep clearing. I had astigmatism but man what a feeling! My symptoms were just as the brochure read. Day 1 sleep as much as you can some discomfort but was 100 times better when I took the tape off the eyes (they tape 1 eye shut... at lease my place did). Slept like a baby for about 12 hours (thanks vallum). Woke up and drove to my day after follow up appt and no issues since. I did the drops 4 times a day for a week for anti-inflammatory and antibiotic then a gel type wetting at bed. No issues and I love it. I can see the alarm clock when I have to wake up to pee or let the dog out now.
Ain’t it great?! Sounds like you’re following Dr. recommendations well and that’s best because eyes are something precious to maintain. We all probably care less about our hearts over eyes. I kept up with regular moisture drops a month out and we’re all different as that goes. Halos around street lamps, headlights during night driving are pronounced at first, but that goes away with time.
how much does lasik run?
Something you ought to afford with flexible spending if available through your employer. Mine was $4k five years back and that was through the only approved specialty full laser machine Dr. in the State at the time. Guy was a deft magician with that thing and the full op took like five minutes. I advise against the billboard/spam mail docs who give massive discounts at ridiculously low prices of $299/eye. Same with dentists, you know? There’s a reason and it ain’t a good reason they are undercutting competition like that.
RIP eyes haven’t adjusted back to normal after 2.5 weeks of no contacts so surgery got delayed another 2 weeks
I got mine done back in February, $3600.

I did the contact lens thing from age 16 to 33, and it was OK except on hunt trips - dry air, wind, and dirty fingers always led to irritated eyes. I can't use binos effectively with glasses, and also my vision was so poor that I had basically no peripheral vision, only straight ahead through the lenses, which is why I used contacts.

I'm looking forward now to my first hunting season with decent eyes.
I’m finally getting LASIK next Thursday. Ready to be done wearing these frickin glasses.
Three days post-LASIK and all I can say is Holy Crap. I just looked through my binoculars for the first time since the surgery and the difference is incredible. Like others have said, I only wish I’d done it sooner. I was amazed at how fast, easy, and completely painless the procedure was. If you’re on the fence about having it done, the OP was right on—do it.
Well last Thursday I pulled the trigger and got Lasik. I am 46 and now have slightly better than 20/15 and was told it could even get better when done healing.
Weirdest experience I have ever been through, didn't really hurt just freaked me out having my eyes put in a clamp. My daughter drove me from the Lasik procedure to visit my wife in the hospital. I rested my eyes while there. My wife told me we had better leave due to ice and freezing rain. I looked out the window and agreed. My eyes felt great and could see fine so rather than let my 18 year old daughter drive I drove...glad I did because it was a hockey rink out there and the hour drive took 2hrs. Only issue after the Lasik was a constant headache for 3 days and it got slightly better each day.
I assume you need reading glasses. About the only thing stopping me at age 53 is that I have good near vision without my glasses. When that goes away I may get it if they don't say I'm too old.
By then you'll probably need cataract surgery. The new synthetic lens will have correction if needed so likely will be back to no glasses or very little correction. Because I require a prism lens for severely damaged left eye (retina detachments) I always figured contact lenses were out for me. Prism lens has one side with more magnification to bend the vision. How can they make a lopsided contact lens and get it to stay properly oriented? Well, they do make them! My HS classmate and college roommate is an optometrist in Lewistown and when visiting him last summer he told me prism contacts are weighted on one side to keep them in fixed position. Amazing! If they make prism contacts, I wonder if someone makes prism replacement lenses for cataract surgery?
By then you'll probably need cataract surgery. The new synthetic lens will have correction if needed so likely will be back to no glasses or very little correction. Because I require a prism lens for severely damaged left eye (retina detachments) I always figured contact lenses were out for me. Prism lens has one side with more magnification to bend the vision. How can they make a lopsided contact lens and get it to stay properly oriented? Well, they do make them! My HS classmate and college roommate is an optometrist in Lewistown and when visiting him last summer he told me prism contacts are weighted on one side to keep them in fixed position. Amazing! If they make prism contacts, I wonder if someone makes prism replacement lenses for cataract surgery?
I’m sure that’s available as they already do lens replacement for patients with dry eyes. So prism lens should be same deal.
I’m sure that’s available as they already do lens replacement for patients with dry eyes. So prism lens should be same deal.
Lens replacement is the treatment when cataract surgery is done. The natural lens is disintegrated and sucked out from behind the cornea through a tiny hole. Then the new lens, all folded up in a tight package, goes in through the hole. Fluid is injected and the lens unfolds. I believe a laser is then used to seal up the hole. It plays some part, maybe also breaks down the old lens? Totally painless. However, laser repair of retina holes can be unbelievably painful. Sometimes it's like a cattle prod going off in the brain. Been there ... many, many times!
I had PRK surgery done on April 8. I am near 60 and have been wearing glasses since I was in third grade. Recovery has been a process. I couldn't see worth shit for about 10 days. Vision is getting better every day now. Took a long hike this morning and was pretty excited not to worry about glasses fogging on the uphill stuff! Pretty weird not to wear glasses though. Still struggling with that a bit. Just feel off.
I had PRK surgery done on April 8. I am near 60 and have been wearing glasses since I was in third grade. Recovery has been a process. I couldn't see worth shit for about 10 days. Vision is getting better every day now. Took a long hike this morning and was pretty excited not to worry about glasses fogging on the uphill stuff! Pretty weird not to wear glasses though. Still struggling with that a bit. Just feel off.
It takes a while before you feel normal for sure. Bright light/white screens were awful for close to a month for me.
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