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Las Cruces- Things to see


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2016
Leaving early friday morning from Kansas to hunt oryx near Las Cruces. Im taking my 2 oldest sons (ages 7 and 9). If I happen to tag out early, what should we go see? White sands? Native American sites? Nothing commercialized.
White sands for sure. Rent the sleds to go sliding down the dunes, don't forget to get the wax tho.

Ruidoso is a cool town in the mountains. Even has a horse race track

Roswell has the aliens theme which is a cool tourist stop. I think they got hit bad by flash floods recently, so not sure their status

Out of the way a bit, but Carlsbad caverns is always a cool place to visit as well
carlsbad caverns...roswell is not much...ruidoso track is not open this time of year...the caverns are unforgettable
Ruidoso is my pick, mountains are beautiful. Caverns are another good choice.
If the kids know anything about Smokey Bear, the original was found near Capitan, about 25 mins north of Ruidoso. Los Osos grill in Capitan has a state championship green chile cheeseburger.

Our alien crap in Roswell isn't really worth driving out of your way, but I'm biased because I see it every day. The kids might get a kick out of a UFO shaped McDonalds though.

The Caverns are amazing, white sands is fun. The Valley of Fires north of White Sands is a neat little walk if you're in the area.
Hatch has the best chiles in the state. Good food.
Capitan is cool.
Cowboy history museum in Cruces is cool.
Carlsbad caverns over whitesands in my opinion. Both are cool. Good food in ruidoso. Anaheim jacks makes great food there in ruidoso.
Another vote for La Posta de Melilla, food is good. Carlsbad Caverns is worth the trip, get in early before it gets to crowded.
Andeles, order the green enchiladas with pork and an egg on top. Best of luck on the hunt, they are extremely fun to hunt you guys should have a blast.
Lots of good recommendations,

If you have any interest in the Lincoln county war and Billy the Kid, Lincoln and the surrounding area is a nice diversion.

I thought Mesilla was a neat old town, also.
Look for the footprints in the rock on WSMR.
Head to the rock shop on the north side by the gate for your own piece of Trinitite.
The Florida Mountains are worth a look. Lots of stories surrounding them.
While on WSMR see if you can visit the Trinity Test Site. (Watch Oppenheimer before you go.)
Lincoln County War, museum nearby.
Hope you had a grand hunt. I would have recommended the Oso Grill in Capitan (Smoky is actually buried across the street) and Sparky's in Hatch as well. Just had another "World Famous" at Sparky's yesterday.

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