Ha!Don't shoot just one. Shoot one per year.
Me and my buddies did this for a couple seasons. Had to pick one out of the stable and ride it all year. I Killed everything with a 7x57 one year and then went on a 8mm Mag kick for the next two. Everything, few coyotes, 2 whitetails, a bear, an elk, and a moose with a 220 gr 8mm bullet from 20 yds to 323.
You learn pretty quick that you really don’t “need” some of the rifles you think you have to have and just how versatile one can be. (I’m glad my wife can’t see this) Don’t get me wrong, everyone needs multiple options and don’t forget PACE planning.
We’re talking about doing a lever action only year or maybe just our muzzle loaders but none of us have the balls to commit to that much limitation.