Caribou Gear Tarp

Landowner Gift Backfired ???

We used to give sausage once in awhile, but most of the time they just liked to have us visit for a bit if we were in the area.
I got permission from a rancher to hunt (original) bison skulls on his ranch (found a nice one). I came back some months later, he wasn't around, and left one of those nice coffee table photography books about ranching on his porch. No note or anything. A few months later I went back and asked if I could hunt again. He said yes. When he saw me leaving later that night he rode over and asked if I had left the book. I said it might have been me. He said it was a nice book and rode off.

Personally I hate asking permission to go on someone else's property and I will not trespass. I love public land. But if I do seek permission, then I try to perfect the art of the hunker as outlined by Pat McManus. You need a stick, and some dirt, and a barn yard, and you need to slow the f down and not act like those strange people from the city. I've always found people who live in urban and suburban areas to be, on average, rather odd.
You guys who can still trespass for a ham should feel very blessed.

OP, I'm guessing your LO is an old fsshioned stand up fellow who prefers to stick with a plan and not feel obligated.
You guys who can still trespass for a ham should feel very blessed.

Are you saying there isn't a ham big enough in the world to get onto a Texas spread? 😳

Everything is just bigger, and I bet you need an pen full of ink to make it happen.
I like to go over to Roy in Central Montana and hunt on my grandfathers old place and many places of friends that my father grew up with. I like to do something for these folks and many of them have wood stoves to help with the winter heat bills. I like working hard and cutting firewood so I would cut and split about a cord of wood and take it over with me and give it to one of the folks who's place I hunted on . I would just rotate around. I know a cord of wood doesn't go very far but they sure were thankful to get a cord of chopped and split fir, lodgepole, larch!
He was probably just having a bad day.
I met a land owner in Wyoming a few years ago and he practically begged me to come and shoot some antelope off his property. I hunted there a little on that trip but never shot anything there. He told me to come back the next year and hunt again. He was very friendly and just about talked my ear off. I looked him up the next year and he acted like he had never met me and told me in no uncertain terms that we were not welcome to go any where near his property. It was very odd and I wondered if he had some mental problems.
He was probably just having a bad day.
I met a land owner in Wyoming a few years ago and he practically begged me to come and shoot some antelope off his property. I hunted there a little on that trip but never shot anything there. He told me to come back the next year and hunt again. He was very friendly and just about talked my ear off. I looked him up the next year and he acted like he had never met me and told me in no uncertain terms that we were not welcome to go any where near his property. It was very odd and I wondered if he had some mental problems.

He's a Wyoming rancher/farmer...of course he has mental problems.....
I asked permission to hunt a property near me. The landowner was the nicest guy in the world, "hunt to your hearts content" was his reply. A couple of days later I was walking out to my truck with a fall turkey. The landowner came over a ripped me a new butt hole. His permission to hunt did not include me actually killing something.
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