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Land Owner Hunting Regulations for Montana - HELP

From FWP website regarding Block Management Program:

What incentives can landowners receive?
Landowners may receive a complimentary sportsman's license, limited liability protection, livestock loss reimbursement, and compensation (up to $15,000) to offset potential public hunting impacts. FWP also provides signs, maps, permission books, and on some BMAs, staff to patrol and assist hunters.

I’m not sure how to interpret the “may” part of that. I’m assuming it’s dependent upon the specific contract with a particular landowner and how “valuable” his land is deemed to the program. It’s it guaranteed, I’ve got 20 acres adjacent to state trust lands that I’d be happy to enroll :p
I know this is an old thread, but when it comes to draws, us out east ain't used to it. Sure there may be a few special hunts that require drawing, but in east Tennessee (where I'm from) everybody is allowed x amount. You don't have cross your fingers and hope, so I wouldn't say MT is the easiest to get the chance to hunt.
I know this is an old thread, but when it comes to draws, us out east ain't used to it. Sure there may be a few special hunts that require drawing, but in east Tennessee (where I'm from) everybody is allowed x amount. You don't have cross your fingers and hope, so I wouldn't say MT is the easiest to get the chance to hunt.
Wanna pm me a couple pins. Would love a nice Tennessee whitetail. Don’t need anything giant just 180” or a you know a mature animal
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