Land owner direct hunting in 2002


New member
Jun 21, 2001
Rural Wa. State/ Ellisras South Africa
I have made an arrangement with a landowner in the Northern Transvaal who owns a big beautiful ranch which I have
worked on for about ten years now. He has buffalo, rhino, leopard, giraffe, crocadiles, hippo's etc. etc. and 28
species of plains game.

I have been working with him on the plans for using his operation direct for about 6 months now. We have finally
sorted everything out and come to terms on prices and hunting dates for 2002.

This is a very fair hunting cost for wild free roaming game on an enormous property which has been game managed
for over 70 years now!

The accomandations are magnificent and all the guys who have hunted with me in the past have been to this ranch,
if you need references. The photo's on my web page are from this ranch as well. By going direct to the land owner we
will save about 20% of the cost of the trip.

2X1 hunting package (2 hunters one PH)
Kudu or Gemsbok
zebra-or-red heartabeest-or-wildebeest

10% off of listed trophy fees for other plains game animals when hunting with this pacakge
If you choose to hunt 1X1 add $1000.00 (one hunter per PH)

10 days hunting all inclusive of meals, transprortation, trophy fees, refreshments, PH, skinners and trackers, and
safari vehicle for the whole ten days $4500.00 bucks! This breaks out to about 150 bucks a day for daily fee and 30% off
trophy fees for the package.

There is room for a couple more people the last ten days of May 2002. There are also other slots open through the
summer which are not part of our group hunt.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 14 August 2001 10:35: Message edited by: JJHACK ]</font>

What is the cost and duration of a hunt for buffalo? What are the details regarding leopard hunting?

Leopard permits are the determining factor. The cost of leopards in SA are competitive but the permits are the unknown. Last year there were less then 100 given out and we did not get a single one.

The Buffalo are not being hunted right now. They are all "safe" buffalo if your familiar with the term. It has nothing to do with the agression but their health. Safe Buffalo are very expensive becasue they are the ones that do 90% of the breeding. I'm sure we will hunt buffalo on this property in the next five years but right now they are a "sight seeing" adventure only. I have other places to hunt buffalo in South Africa but the hunts are expensive. They are about like a Brown bear hunt. 8-10 grand. jj
JJHACK......... MAN O MAN........ My plate doesn't look good for Next year...... BUT DAM!!!!!!!! I need to MAke it there!!!!

Thanx for posting the Info, Those prices MAke you Realize it's WAY Cheaper (PER ANIMAL'S TAKEN) To hunt Africa then Even Alaska........ One Day I'll get my CHIT together and MAke it there !!!
Guys let me explain something here and make sure you understand why this is happening.

This landowner has been using a safari booking agency and independant Professional hunters to locate and take out all the hunters they want on this property and just pay the landowner for the game shot.

In 2002 the landowner will be taking this responsibility on himslef. He wishes to go direct to the American public. He and I will hire additional PH's and take out the clients ourselves. This eliminates the middle guy from the picture. Everything else regarding the lodge and quality of game remains the same. Once we have a client list to use as a reference he will likely begin raising prices to make a living at this. However for the 2002 season we need to build a new client list and the savings is reflected in these prices.

I have worked this ranch and the surrounding properties for about ten years now. I worked for the Safari company that was using this property. The owner has struck a deal with me to arrange the American's to hunt there with him. I have space at the end of June and the end of May. There are other openings as well for a few 2X1 hunters if you need different dates.

This is an awsome ranch with lots of game and it will not likely ever be cheaper!jj
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