Kenetrek Boots

Kodiak Adventures with IDBugler and Moosie....

Hey Bryce,

Do you have any pics of Burdette's buck? We've been playing phone tag since he got back and I haven't seen it yet. Congrats on a great trip!

Like a dork I never took a picture of it. It grossed around 93" with one side sporting a 3" eye-guard, other side was close to 1.5"-2" if I remember right. Great buck and bigger then anything we saw the whole trip.
Corey, Big Dave spoke Highly of you. The only thing he said negative is you won't take video of him stompin' elks nutz :D

Drop me his Emails and Such. I don't have his contact info nd I wanted him and the other Dave to see this thread.
Moosie - I have everyones info somewhere in the mess I have in my hunting room. I'll try and find it so they can see this.
On the meat, We signed over the meat to the transporter. They can legally give it away but they actualy kept it for themselves. We did eat some on the boat. We actually cooked up the ducks too. Not bad for ducks. Dave B. could cook neck meat and have it come out great.... and he did !!!
Great story and pics!!! Congrats!! You guys took some great bucks! I'd love to try for them again and if I do I'm definitely going later in the season. Pretty cool you guys got to see some bears, we didn't see hide nor hair of one.

I'll e-mail Burdette and Beeler's info to you. As far as showing Burdette's stomping on video, let me just say that I have plenty of that footage, it just usually doesn't make the final cut... :) He provides enough other humor that we can't include it all...

And yes, he can cut up meat and cook like no other...

I think a Kodiac deer hunt just got bumped on my list of adventures to do in the next few years. Looks like a fun time and good success. Congrats to both of you. Looking forward to the video clips.
Wow that is just one awesome trip.... Man I got to get up in the country at least once in my life...hunt or no hunt.

So did the stains come out of the tighty whiteys from seeing that bear or what? Holy cheet!!! You guy got nads my friends... big'ens.

How's it goin? My buddy and I were in the group leaving the boat as you guys came aboard. Looks like you guys had a great trip!

I was wondering how you guys can look as relaxed as you did in your pics but, in the pics after you guys seen your bear I can see the same look in your eyes as we had in most all our pics.

Im sure Rick told you the story about my buddy and I and our "30" minute return to the boat and the encounter(s) with the bear(s). It definitly changes your outlook on things after you have a bear "incident".

Where were you guys when you came across that bear?
Tapout, Good hearing from ya bud !! I'm tryingto rack my brain on which guy you were ? I know there were the California Boyz and then a couple from... Utah ? Hell I can't remember it exactly. Welcome aboard !!!

Rick told us Many a bear story. He said the first day you guys were in the location with that bear that bothered each person in your Group. He never took us to hunt there although we did sleep in that Cove one night to get out of the wind. The bear we have close pictures on was taken in the North side of the bay. Look at the map I posted earlier. It was around that Northern "X" I put on it.

cmc :

So did the stains come out of the tighty whiteys

I don't know, I figured they were bad enough that I jsut thew the undies away ;)

BambiStew :

I think a Kodiac deer hunt just got bumped on my list of adventures to do in the next few years.

It was fun for sure. I figured that would be a Fun hunt for 6 buys to do that great hunting opportunity for everone would be had.

Buglelk, Thanx man, I'll get ahold of them. I do not see either one of the Boyz as computer guys but we'll try. He's coming to Boise in a Month or two. Let's all hook up over a beer or something !!


Did you guys get the permits to hunt "Native Land"? or was there plenty of hunting on public ground?

We wen't on Native land there. I bought a Native land permit when I was hunting in King Salmon 2 months prior. We passed through some Native land so I was just being safe. I hear the White man bought up alot of the land in some Exchange some years back ? I hear of the Fleecing of our recorces and tax money that goes on makes cjcj's problem with imagrants look minor !!!


How did the other guys do on the boat? It seems like you two probably out hunted them, did you? Maybe it was luck, maybe it was refusing to give the deer to the bears. WOW, brave guys, you two are!! I'm sure glad that part went well!

I love when you post :)

Other guys did "OK" only 2 other deer were taken. As far as outhunting them I'd say gun v's bow we did have the upper hand. We were also a couple years younger then the rest of the guys. That being said those guys hunted hard as well. As far as Luck, We "MAKE" our luck. I don't like chancing "LUCK" on things just happening, I'll make sure it does by working at it !!

I'm going to get some of the Footage I gave Bugler and work on it next Sunday so hopefully we'll get some up soon.
Moosie....IdB.....incredible story guys!! Been lookin' for it and finally thought, "mmm, maybe Alaska section?" :confused: All 5 of those bucks are percect. Love those double white throat patches on em' too. And the foxes....very cool looking....almost mean. Kudos to both of ya, and thanks for all the info on the hunt. Very interested in the same thing.
Moosie, IB,

I'm SO glad you both had a great time and a successful hunt! After talking to Big Dave I was so disappointed and have been meaning to email you both to apologize! It sounds nothing like the trip we took back in '04!! I'm not surprised the deer would not respond to the decoys after 13 rifle kills took place in the same place you hunted! In '04, Roark, Captain Rick's partner took us to different locations in the bay and it made for great bow hunting, I used a grey face mask with a black patch on the top, that's all it took. I shot one buck at 5 yards and the other at 8! There was another Dave on the hunt in '04 with a similar hat to the one you made I think he shot his buck under 10 yards! Another thing with 13 gut piles around I'm not surprised everyone had bear encounters!! In '04 we had 1, but nothing like your trip! I haven't talked to Rick D. yet but plan to very soon! We were planning to schedule another trip but it sounds like there has to be certain things ironed out before we book the boat again!!

Im one of the two guys from Kalifornia. I was the one that warned you guys about the bear activity a "few" times when we were helping you aboard.

Besides the bears, the hunt went great for my friend (Brian) and I. I took 2 bucks with my .300 WinMag and Brian took 3, 2 with .338/06 and 1 with a .44mag revolver . Brian also got a fox.


ibowhunt, Idaho Bugler and me seen things a little different then Big Dave and Rick did probably.

email you both to apologize!

Don't you dare !!!! It's becasue of you that we were able to go on this hunt. If you Email us, say You're welcome !!!!!

We're used to having no one along and just a cold tent to come back too. Having the boat there was Awesome and everything else just a bonus. I'm not saying the other hunters don't hunt hard because I know they do. That being said, We'd change a couple things next time, but not many things.

Welcome aboard HuntTalk also Mi Amigo, and Thanx for letting us have a chance at Kodiak, Sorry you guys had to give up the tickets.... and hopefully your other hunts went well. I got an Email from Bob asking how the Trip went and I sent him this link.

Keep us in the loop if you have an opening next time. And if you're ever around Boise , My doors always open....... Well, After I unlock it, undo the dead bolt.... and Lie to the wife telling her I've known you for years and stuff. But other then that It's always open.... ;) (Hope you can tell by the posts that I'm a jokester :D )

Hey Kalif. BOY !!! Everyone one of you had the Glazed look and the warnings of bears, so it was hard to remember. We were thumbing through the Trophy hunter on the boat and caught a glipse of one of you in there too. I think it was your buddy Brian ? I'm bad with names anyways....

That was one thing I like about trips, We got to meet , even if for 5 mins, and share some stories. Then, we stayed on the boat with 4 other Awesome hunters and guys. Thats the kind of stuff that keeps me going.... Well, that.... and Killing a bunch of chit :D

Nice pictures !!
ibowhunt said:
Moosie, IB,

I'm SO glad you both had a great time and a successful hunt! After talking to Big Dave I was so disappointed and have been meaning to email you both to apologize! It sounds nothing like the trip we took back in '04!! I'm not surprised the deer would not respond to the decoys after 13 rifle kills took place in the same place you hunted! In '04, Roark, Captain Rick's partner took us to different locations in the bay and it made for great bow hunting, I used a grey face mask with a black patch on the top, that's all it took. I shot one buck at 5 yards and the other at 8! There was another Dave on the hunt in '04 with a similar hat to the one you made I think he shot his buck under 10 yards! Another thing with 13 gut piles around I'm not surprised everyone had bear encounters!! In '04 we had 1, but nothing like your trip! I haven't talked to Rick D. yet but plan to very soon! We were planning to schedule another trip but it sounds like there has to be certain things ironed out before we book the boat again!!

Tony, No apologies required to both Moosie and I. We both had an awesome time and without you and Bob we would have never been able to make the trip. Alaska is in my blood now and I will be back. I really want to take a book buck with my bow. Like Moosie said keep us in the loop if you have an openings. Talking with Dave it sounds like you've got everything figured out on the island. Were you successful in taking an animal on your special draw hunt? If so any pics? Again thanks for the opertunity and hope to talk to you soon.

Tapout909 said:
Im one of the two guys from Kalifornia. I was the one that warned you guys about the bear activity a "few" times when we were helping you aboard.

Besides the bears, the hunt went great for my friend (Brian) and I. I took 2 bucks with my .300 WinMag and Brian took 3, 2 with .338/06 and 1 with a .44mag revolver . Brian also got a fox.
Thanks for the warnings on the bear.:D They are very cool animals and I hope to one day hunt them. We did hear some pretty good stories from Rick about your hunt. Coming out at night like you guys did would of been pretty scary. Thanks for posting the pics. You guys had an awesome hunt.
Moosie, IB,

Again, I'm glad you had a great time!! Bob E. sent me an email with this Thread attached and he thought you guys were quite the characters! After reading the entire thread I would have to agree! If we put another trip together we'll let you guys know! Yes, I had a great hunt in Wyoming this ram finished my Archery Sheep Slam.


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