Yeti GOBOX Collection

Kodiak Adventures with IDBugler and Moosie....

Sounds like you guys had a great time, and took some nice looking bucks. I'll be interested to hear more of your trip report when you get time. One thing I didn't like about the idea of going on a boat trip was the fact that there's probably been many groups earlier in the season in the exact same spots. On our trip, we were able to get up high and stay there, hunting along ridgelines that allowed us to see into two drainages at a time. We didn't have to spend lots of time just climbing up to where we wanted to hunt each day. The downside was that there wasn't many good places to camp out of the wind.

I'm going back again, too. And I'm going to do it just a little differently next time. Congrats again on the bucks! Lots of those pictures look very familiar!
Great story, great hunts, I'm glad you're the type to rejoice in what is, rather than worry about what might happen, otherwise being stuck on a boat might seem like a long time

Awesome pictures, story, deer, and assorted other citters. Looks like a blast was had and the scenery can't be beat. To say I'm a little jealous is an understatement. Alaskan sitkas are on my to do list for sure. Congrats guys.
So how close are you guys to the deer grand slam? Great story and pics Moosie. Congrats to you and IB.
Looks like you guys had a hell of a trip. You shot some nice bucks, a few ducks, saw a few bears without any serious problems, and got to hang out with me for a morning. What more could you ask for??? :rolleyes:
Sorry I missed the post by Mrs Moosie. I was in WI and didn't have access to the web. Actually just got in tonight, and was glad to see the weather finally broke (34 and raining/snowing now). I did get a decent whitey buck and a couple does. I'll post a pic or two tomorrow.
Great write up Moosie. The trip was a lot of fun and well worth the price. The story was pretty much accurate but with a few mistakes. :rolleyes: I wish I had time to correct them all but since Moosie spent the time to write it up I won't make the neccessary changes.

I will say the trip could of been better but for a first timer this was about all I could ask for. The guys on the boat made the trip and we had a lot of fun even when stuck on the boat for a few extra days.

Thanks again TB for showing us around. It was awesome to have a personnal guide around to show us the sites and local duck population. Maybe next time a little less tounge also. :confused:
Great story/pics guys...thanks for the share. Getting to be lots of minds to pick when I plan my Kodiak trip, a good thing no doubt!

That last buck of Bugler's would have made me buy an extra tag as well, going to make a nice looking mount! All that and you didn't get eaten by a bear, great trip!
Thanks for sharing all the photos Oscar.
Seems like you two had a great time, on a trip that most of us look forward to taking some day!
Way to go fellas. Who knew hunting could be so much fun...even with Moosie along.:D
Congrats on the trip, sounds like it was a blast, tongue and all. Looking forward to the video portion.
Congratulations to all three of you, WOW! That was awesome!! Way to go!

Did you bring meat back this time at a good rate or not? I read you got the extra coolers.

How did the other guys do on the boat? It seems like you two probably out hunted them, did you? Maybe it was luck, maybe it was refusing to give the deer to the bears. WOW, brave guys, you two are!! I'm sure glad that part went well!
Great pics and story guys. Did you guys see any other transporter boats during your hunt? I believe that Alaska Coastal Marine hunts around the same area. I'll be flying into Akhiok and meeting the boat I'm going with there.Did you guys get the permits to hunt "Native Land"? or was there plenty of hunting on public ground?

Once again greatpics,
WFGinNM said:
Great pics and story guys. Did you guys see any other transporter boats during your hunt? I believe that Alaska Coastal Marine hunts around the same area. I'll be flying into Akhiok and meeting the boat I'm going with there.Did you guys get the permits to hunt "Native Land"? or was there plenty of hunting on public ground?

Once again greatpics,
We saw one other boat but it was a local from homer is what our captain said. We hunted all public land.

Tom said:
Congratulations to all three of you, WOW! That was awesome!! Way to go!

Did you bring meat back this time at a good rate or not? I read you got the extra coolers.

How did the other guys do on the boat? It seems like you two probably out hunted them, did you? Maybe it was luck, maybe it was refusing to give the deer to the bears. WOW, brave guys, you two are!! I'm sure glad that part went well!
We never brought any meat home. The coolers were used for the 4 deer capes and 2 fox hides. The other guys were strictly bow hunters. On the first day Dave took an awesome buck with his bow. It ended up being the best buck of the trip. I think it scored around 93". The other Dave ended up using my rifle to shoot a nice 3X2 on the last scheduled day. We definetly didn't out hunt them just cheated and used a rifle. Only one group Rick and Rick lost a deer to a bear. The other group Dave and Dave had an encounter with a bear that was way worse then ours. They had to fire a few shots to scare the bear off. It also followed them out into the water.
Hey Bryce,

Do you have any pics of Burdette's buck? We've been playing phone tag since he got back and I haven't seen it yet. Congrats on a great trip!
