Kenetrek Boots

Knight Ultralight or Mountaineer


New member
Oct 18, 2017
I bought a Traditions Vortek Strikerfire (Northwest Version) 2 seasons ago and have struggled with failure to fire issues since the start. At the end of this season it completely locked up and I am unable to @#)(# it, fire it, nothing. I am going to work with Traditions to get it functioning, but I'm pretty much done with this rifle. I am looking at the Knight Ultralight and the Mountaineer models to replace it. Seeking input on both of these rifles. I've been able to put my hands on the Ultralight and it is really nice... but it almost feels too light?
I had the same question and just called Knight. They suggested the Ultra-Lite. His reasoning that they are both great rifles and if you are going to be walking around at all the weight is great. In his words you won't notice much more recoil from the Ultra-Lite.

Mine has been unbelievably accurate. Amazing gun you won't be disappointed.
I have been lusting after an Ultralight for a while. I have 2 other Knights and love them. My favorite is an Elite, which was discontinued in the mid 2000. Virtual clone of the Ultralight, but has the clunky composite black stock. I've tried to get an ultralight stock for it, but they won't sell them. Swapping it out, would put me near the same weight as the ultralight. The other is a Disc Extreme in 45cal, again a very nice rifle and very accurate.

I wouldn't worry about recoil, a good stock and pad soak it up.
I called Knight a few years ago when I was going through the same dilemma. They actually recommended the Disc Extreme. I saved a few hundred bucks and it’s an absolute tack driver. They are really nice ML and the accuracy is a bit scary. Good luck with which ever one you choose.
I have an Ultralite I picked up a couple of years ago, and I am a big fan. Previously I shot a TC Endeavor Prohunter, and It was a fine, but heavy. I primarily still hunt whitetails here in MN, and it is a dream to carry and feels like all of my other center-fire bolt actions.

I have shot 150grns of powder behind a 250grn bullet, and the recoil isn't bad. The B&C stock with the Pachmyer Decelerator, does a great job managing any recoil.

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