Kinda slow here how about dreaming a little?


New member
Jun 21, 2001
Rural Wa. State/ Ellisras South Africa
Why dream, lets just do it!

Some of you have contacted me about a hunting trip in 2006 and the dates are getting tight now. I have only one available space in one hunt period for example. There is plenty of room in June and July remaining right now though. I have this information which is not yet on my website I wanted to share with those of you still interested in going in 2006. By all means call me if your serious about the 2006 season It will be here before you know it. We also need to work on the airtravel before the first of the year.

Thanks for your interest and good hunting!


The Package
This 2006, 8 day, 5 animal package will be $5000.00 USD complete, which includes everything but airfare, taxidermy,
and preparation of and shipping of trophies. The hides will be perfectly skinned and salted by us. The prime dates for
hunting are May 15 through June 15 as this is the rutting season. I am typically sold out before November first each year.
We have only a limited amount of hunting space as we hunt natural wild game not stocked animals.

The Package hunting is 10 days, with 8 hunting days. The day you arrive is travel to the camp and the day you leave is
travel to the airport. The arrival day will include a picnic lunch on the way to the camp. You will typically arrive early
enough in the day to sight in your rifles and take a drive through the bush for an hour or so before dark. Daylight begins about 6:30 AM and it's too dark to shoot by about 6PM during our peak hunting seasons of May through July. The day you depart will include a stop or two along the way for curios at some nice shops. The 8 days are full hunting days from first light to dark or later if you choose. The meals are all included as are all soft drinks and beer.

We cater to small groups at a time, with 4-6 hunters in camp maximum. We also like to have 4 as a minimum to
cover the expenses properly. Driving round trip to the airport to pick up one or two hunters is not a practical trip
and cannot be charged the same as a package rate. We will book trips with four people per 8 days hunting.
There is a possible delay leaving the airport when hunters from different flights arrive on the same morning.
Often they are an hour or so apart. We must wait to get all the hunters before we return back to the camp. It's a
4.5 hour drive one way. I'm just trying to think of all the things you should know about. I try to treat this for you folks
as if I were planning this major event for myself.

Deposits are $2500.00 US and are 100% refundable until January 1, 2006. After that I pay my staff and the deposit is gone.

The Game
1 of these : kudu or gemsbok
· 2 of these: wildebeest or zebra or hartebeest or bushbuck or blesbuck
· 2 of these: steenbuck or duiker or warthog or impala

We can also offer a daily fee and trophy fee list if you prefer. The 1X1 daily fee is 260.00 per day and the 2X1 daily fee
is 210.00 per day. We will also reduce the 1X1 hunt price to 240.00 per day for a 1X1 hunter with a non-hunter.
The trophy fees for the hunters choosing daily fee and trophy fee hunts are as follows:
· Blue wildebeast $950
· Blesbok $380
· bushbuck $800
· Zebra $900
· bush pig $400
· duiker $250
· eland $1750
· gemsbok $1000
· giraffe $3000
· impala $280
· kudu $1700
· nyala $2700
· Red hartebeast $950
· Steenbok $250
· warthog $250
· waterbuck $1800

We can hunt many other species if you want; for something not on this list, let me know. These are the common
species hunted. Springbok and black wildebeest require moving to their indigenous habitat which will be a day
of travel each way. We only hunt natural wild game which is indigenous to the areas we hunt. We do not operate
in an Eastern Cape put and take style of hunting.

Firearms Issues
In our experience, rifles less than .30 caliber are marginal at times. While they can be an excellent game
choices in many places, they are on the small side for herd animals that depart at the shot and leave everything
covered in dust, including the little blood that may have been visible. Let’s discuss your rifle and caliber choice
when you telephone – there are limitations to the weight of cartridges you may import, for instance. That is something
we can work out. You are always welcome to use my 30/06 or 375HH if you would like. They are loaner guns that have been used over the years by dozens of hunters. Both are fully custom rifles and not some camp "beater" guns, Each has PacNor bench rest barrels and synthetic stocks with absolutely fine tuned triggers and Leupold Vari-X III scopes. All the loads are with premium bullets, and I’ve never lost a head of game when using them.

Every hunter must go through my permit process so that the permits are finished months in advance of your arrival
and that hassle is eliminated when you get to Joburg. We include the fees in our packaged hunt price.. It will not
cost anything extra, just the responsibility of doing this with my Permit folks 3-4 months before you arrive in RSA.
Accomplishing this ahead of time will allow us to leave the airport within 15 minutes, rather than the six-hour delay
that’s common for those who apply at the airport. We don't want to have 6 people arrive and 5 get pre-issued
permits only to have to wait many hours for the last guy who chose not to do it. I cannot run the business that way
and be fair to the guys who got their permits ahead of time. After that 17 hour flight nobody wants to wait at the
airport for 4-6 more hours!

Non-Hunting Significant Others
Non-hunter’s cost is $1100.00 for the 10 day trip. There are side trips we can have your wife go on while you are
hunting or you can both go to Kruger or another closer Park for a few days prior to hunting. There won’t be an
opportunity for the side trips during the hunt itself, as the vehicles and employees are aiding hunters! Many wives
are fine with the hunting portion as the game viewing is fantastic while we are hunting. We also have some fantastic
stone blinds that are comfortable for 2-4 people and nice and cool in the heat.

Where Am I?
I live in the USA 9-10 months a year near Seattle, the remainder in South Africa mostly near the Botswana border
in the Town of Ellisrass. Our web site,, will answer many general questions, or you can
reach me by phone at 425-888-6456, US Pacific time, which I prefer, since it’s easier than typing! Failing that, my
email is [email protected].
I will have a lot of new photos and information put up on my site in the next few weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have a more comprehensive web site??
>No sorry this is the best I can manage. What would you think should be added to make it more Comprehensive?
I do not include prices like the "put and take camps" because the exchange rates have changed so much in the
last 3-4 years. All my hunts are done in a personal way to make sure you get the best price possible at the time
you book the hunt. I have seen the Exchange rates go from 5 to 1 back up to 14 to 1. in under 6 months.
How can anyone set a fixed price with that kind of change?

How does the hunting day work??
>Time hunting, animals seen etc? We hunt as many hours as you wish. Usually from first light to noon, then an hour
and a half break going back out from 1:30 to dark or as late as you wish. We can hunt all night with lights if you wish!
The noon break is often too hot to see much game; they lay up and chew cud until it cools off again. We can hunt
ater holes, drive, spot and stalk anything and everything typically done for success.

Can I select to shoot/not shoot an animal?
>You are never told you must shoot. You will see plenty of game and will be advised of what trophies may be
good or great but it's always your call to pull the trigger (release an arrow) that is 100% your responsibility.

Can I shoot several of the trophies on one day if possible?
>You may be able to shoot several in one day; we do it frequently. Finding good animals is the priority for us.
You will not be told you cannot shoot anymore today! We will hunt and shoot as much game as you like per day

Can I take additional trophies on the spur of the moment?
>You can shoot just about as many animals and any kind of animal you wish. So long as you can export it to
your country and pay for it.

What is the typical trophy size for these species for this safari?
>I would say all game shot will meet or exceed the SCI minimum for entry into the record book. Over the
years we have taken the rare smaller animal due to a mistake or bad luck. However, nearly 100% will
make the SCI minimums.

What is the success rate for each of these species?
>I think there is a 100% chance you will see every animal you wish. But since we have real hunting with
natural wild game not a put and take or "stocked" farm, it's real hunting with us. Because of this the success
is more dependent on the hunter capabilities than the animals or our concession. If you use the waterhole for
evening hunts the odds go up a whole lot for the success!

Do you have exclusive rights to the hunting areas?
>Yes we do have either exclusive rights or we have exclusive dates on some properties. Several of the properties
are 50 square miles or more. We rarely leave the camp to travel far.

What is the terrain country like to hunt? I am fit but would like to know how open / bushy etc.
>The habitat varies from rolling hills to enormous sandy flats, with some so bushy 50 yard visibility is far, and others
more open where a couple hundred yards shooting may be possible.

If i did not get a kudu would I pay the trophy fee?
>No you only pay for what you shoot or hit and lose.

What is the success rate for the species?
>We can usually find all the game your after, the success depends upon the hunters skills. My PH's will find you
game and get you in a position to shoot. If we hunt the evenings near water you will have every option to shoot the
animals you want.

Do you have references?
> Many references are listed on my web page. You can contact them directly from there.

Do you have a copy of the contract if there is one, please
>We have found over the years a contract between people from two different countries with two different legal
ystems and all the other complexities is a more or less worthless document. We can write an "agreement" that I
will see to it is held to the highest level of respect between parties. I have never in more then 300 hunting clients
ever had a single complaint of any type.
Can I hire (rent) a rifle??
>You’re more then welcome to use my rifles and ammo, free of charge

Is there a discount if I only want skull mounts for my animals?
>We have no taxidermy business. That would be between you and the taxidermist. I can provide names of local RSA
taxidermists if you need them

When whould I need to book to ensure my hunt?
>My hunts are usually full for the prime dates of May and June by October or November the prior year. I have good
dates remaining now, but I am answering Emails like this one 3-4 times a week. I suspect I will be full by end of November this year.

Do you have any other info for me that will help?
You may be able to find my book "Africa the First time" at your book shop? It's a normally stocked book at many bigger
ookstores in the USA. Thanks for your interest in my business, please post the questions on those websites in the Africa Forums.
You should get a good bit of info regarding my hunts from people who have been there with me.
African Menu

Just curious.. is this a big high fenced place?

Giraffe?? Would be sweet to drop one of them on a dead run.. :D

How much for Koko the Gorilla? I want to have Kool-Aid and fruit with Koko, then blow her ass to kingdom come.
There is about a million acres unfenced and about 100k acres unfenced in a different area. There are also specific private properties that range in size from 10 to 70 square miles that hava a 2 meter (6 foot) fence for protecting some species like buffalo and rhino from poachers. Many of the other species ignore the fence and jump it or just go under it. It's a visual barrier to define property lines from properties that are exempt from those that are not.

The Northern province of RSA should not be confused with the contained properties of the Eastern cape where put and take hunts for non-indiginous species are the more typical experience.

We have lots of locations and habitats to hunt just like America. Many cattle ranches are fenced there too but they are no deterrent to an elk or deer jumping them or pronghorn antelopes going under them. Some of the best managed properties are fenced to protect the investment of the landowners management over many years. One property has been fenced like this for 79 years now. It's over 50 square miles. That property is hunted for only a couple months and by less then 25 hunters a year. All the game on this consession is natural born and wild and has been naturally occuring in the region for hundreds of years now.

It's not a put and take stocked for killing operation. You could hunt this one property for months with a vehicle and never see all of it. Not even a fraction of it. There are very limited roads and many miles of thick roadless bush country that would be seen on foot or by air only. When you stand on the back property line the lodge is over the horizon and out of view. The length of the land is so huge. The landowners main use of this property is the white Rhino recovery program and game viewing tours.

I suppose it is one of the things you would have to see first hand to fully grasp the magnitude of the operation. Put another way It could take well over an hour to drive across the consession using the roads and driving fast.

For a couple years I worked on an Eastern Cape operation and thought that if this is what Africa is all about I'll find another business. I would certainly not compare the typical stocked put and take Eastern Cape hunts to the ones in the Northern Province. They are not even legal to conduct in the North province. The laws prohibit that type of hunting here.
thanks JJ for the info---if I can pull it off I'll be calling --but I do want a buff--but until I have sent you funds I'm just a wannabe and there's no need wasting your time on a wannabe, so I'm dreaming on--chris
Bumped up as I ave two remaining spots for May 28th through June 7th. We will use a property that has never been trophy hunted before as the base camp. We may not even leave this camp the populations are so good!

There is also room with Eco Adventurres the 4 days prior to this if you want to take a tour of Kruger park for a photo safari and get your game eyes in focus and the time change behind you.
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