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Kimber Hunter

No worry Tyler, I had a momentary economy moment & quickly realized we were talking firearms.:eek:
Nice rifle!!! Muzzle break (forgive me if you mentioned, if so must have skipped over it) ?? Looks like that dog will hunt!!!
No muzzle brake, the Hunter does not come threaded.

I shot a couple of quick groups today to see how much affect fouling has on this gun. Five shot string, no cooling, 85 degrees and 10-15 mph crosswind.


Still sub MOA. Doesn't appear there is any need to clean more than I normally do. I got home and found a FedEx package on my doorstep :)


Time to dial in some hunting loads.
I have a fourth season deer tag in Colorado. A first for me. I am strongly considering buying a Kimber Hunter in 30.06 using 165 gr. I have an old reliable Remington 760 in .06, pump. Just wondering your thoughts on the lighter Hunter in .06 vs the .308 or 7mm-08.
I'd think shooting the smaller calibers in that setup would be more enjoyable than the '06 plus you get to play with new ammo, etc.

If you have a man bun or any kinds of lines shaved into your head then the 06 is too much gun for you but the 7mmHT crowd will shun you for being too hip so you're heading to the Blue Oyster with the Creed crowd. There's really a caliber-clique system being established here.
I can't see the action not fitting. Might need some work on the barrel channel. But, I bet it would.

My concern would be with the mag box on the Hunter and the blind magazine on the Montana not having the same way of mating with the receiver. But....

I would. Just passing along info. Guy that runs Whittaker Guns swapped stocks on a Hunter and Montana just to see if it'd work.

If he checked for function in addition to fit, then all should be good.
My apologies JLS. I was confused with the Kimber Montana (threaded for break). I bought an Adirondack (Barely 5.5 pounds with scope) last year in .308 and the recoil was.....ummm.......spirited! :D I ordered a break and it is a ton more fun to shoot now! It didn't affect the point of impact so that was a plus. My buddy I elk hunt with makes fun of me because that rifle isn't much bigger then a pellet gun haha. (Kimber......and a teeny rifle. I can only imagine what MTMuley will say.....haha). It is a joy to carry on my pack and the shorter barrel makes it easy to duck under limbs and around and through fallen trees. Backpack elk hunting is exactly why I bought it as most of my shots will be in timber and not farther then 200 yards (most 100 or less). Good luck with your rifle and happy shooting! Looks like you have a winner
Of course not b/c if you spit it, then it gets caught in your Rollie Fingers mustache and/or other perfectly groomed facial hair.

I'm guessing JLS as more of the Harry Connick Jr. 5pm shadow & slim fit dinner jacket persuasion....not just anyone can rock the creed.;)

Preliminary results with the Hammers. Certainly looks like there are some promising prospects.

Hornady brass
CCI 250 primers
Hogdon Super Performance powder
Hammer Hunter 124 grain bullets
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