
WH's OutdoorsChick

New member
Nov 14, 2003
Rochester, Washington
Just wondering you Guys and Gals here who have kids

How much does it really cost to have them???? :confused:

Some People I have been talking to say it is expensive but they don't have kids ;)

I am not planning yet, Just wondering :cool:
Yup get married first

then if your worried about the cost of kids then please dont have any.

BTW they dnt cost anymore than having a pet.
except for.

the broken windows
the food laying all over the place.
the trashed out carpets every 2 years
deoderizer for all the throwup( and they puk alot)
the christmas presents
the costumes for halloween
the loss days of work for various medical reasons
the hair you will have to replace on your head.
the pills you will start popping once they are walking
the alcohal you will consume when they start talking
broken dish's
phone bills
candy store monthly payments

and thats just till they are 5

They are EXPENSIVE. Lots of fun, and frustration.
That old saying about "eating me out of house & home" is wrong. Once you start buying diapers, you'll realize it's the other end that costs the most.

I am not talking about havings Kids MAN! I am talking about the cost.... Talking to people about thier kids and people with out kids is two different worlds

Talk to ppl who have kids will tell you they are NOT Expensive

Talking to people with out kids thinks it is.....

In order to not pay child support do not have kids with women you don't know, and be safe and make SURE you are meant to be with that person and you can live with them forever before you have kids

I think Ya'll TOTALLY misunderstood me.
Kids.... I have 3 , Don't cost me much, Insurance covers most of the things they break ;)

Seriously though , You absorb the Cost and Don't even realise it.

I think thy can cost you as much or as little as you let them.
;) I just think PPL with out kids are sometimes make STUPID Assumptions

I have friends who make as much as I DO alone, and raise kids on that salary..... Yet I have another friend who claims even though they make 80 K's a year does not make enough money to have a kid and I think that was Just Stupid! Kids can not cost 30 -40 K a year even with the

Broken windows
Christmas and Bday gift
Alcohol consumption

I am not going to be ready to Have kids for a while and I have to find a guy to do it with ;)

Just Kidding baby ;) ;)

I think Robert and I are Happy doing our own thing when we want and how we want, I love it! For sure Not ready for kids.....
Yep, if you are worried about what they cost you are better off having a chia pet. :rolleyes:

Truthfully you can never really afford them.

Plus I would never get married if I had to do over, Hookers are way cheaper. :rolleyes:
Now there's a truth. I expect I am way more expensive than my kids are.

Hubby said a funny thing the other day. I asked if he minded that I hung out on here with all you guys. He said nope, "way I figure it they are mostly regular guys. They don't worry me because I know none of them can afford you". "You are forbidden to chat online on a site full of doctors and lawyers though." :D

The guy has a point.

I did that once with Vipe. A Ice cream truck kept going by and the driver flirted with her numerous times. One time I was home reading the paper as it went by. Without lifting my eyes from the paper I said "it will take more than ice cream to get her and to keep her" ;)

I am a cheap date..... I pay my own Bills, and even pay rent when I feel like it...... We take turns buying food, and taking eachother out to dinner.... I Even Bought him a BadAzz Gift for hunting for Chrismas!!!!

You know what Robert

After talking to Mojave here, I think you need to spend more money on me !!! hump
I woundt even weigh the cost of having kids..once they are here..nothing else matters..I wouldnt trade my kids for anything else in the world..just my oppinion
You said it BT. There's nothing better and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

And there never is a perfect time but the present. I here too many people say they're waiting for this/that. Always seems to be something, and it doesn't matter how much you make. They will make your life better 10 fold.
My ex took everything but the kids. I think it was a fair trade. I still miss some of the guns, and that bad ass orange rag top Challenger I had. Would I do it again? In a heart beat. Hell I know if it was expensive to raise kids, she'd send me the 30,000 she owes me in child support.
They are expensive. My oldest son Don gradutaded from Carnegie Mellon in 2001 and I only owe 8,000 more on that. My oldest daughter, Crystal has one more term at Ohio Weslian. My younger son Dave, a year and a half at Pitt. After each term my wife says we pick up another payment of 180.00 a month. My youngest child Pam, is in 11 grade and wants to go to Edinboro. My wife is on her way home from Columbus Ohio, after renting a car for Crystal cause (my/her) jeep just blew a head gasket and I'll have to go get it this weekend. Its my jeep when it needs something. It's her jeep the rest of the time. (80,000 miles in 3 years)
I wish they were young again,it was cheaper.
So how much does it cost? ALOT!!! But I'd still do it again.

Lets see, I moved my inlaws to an old folks home last week and I have to get their stuff out of their old apartment by sunday. Get my car back from Columbus Ohio so I can put a new motor in it as fast as I can so we stop the rent a car. I have to do this with friends trucks cause a drunk driver hit me 3 weeks ago and caused 16,000 worth of damage to my truck. My parents were in an auto accident a week ago and my father, who should of stayed in the hospital, is hard of hearing so I have been handing all the insurance issuses. We are busier than hell in the shop. We missed a delivery date and the customer is getting pissed. Saturday is the last day of deer and I haven't killed anything this year. I guess you know what's going to get taken off the list. I know, It sucks to be me.
Oh anotherthing, I'm pamtman, damm passwords. One more thing to do. Don

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