KHunter 2022 ID bull and CO cow moose hunts

Today I spent time getting pvt land access on some farms not too far from the yard bulls posted earlier. then walked the S. Teton river a mile and a half mostly in the stream traversing unfriendly and friendly lands just got access granted for.

saw a LOT of bull tracks, some pretty fresh turds and this cow on an island. photo after she had enough of me in bow range and crossed to other side.


The last stand for this pre rut round of hunting was this spot.


Sat this spot tonight and a then short morning hunt before head home to recover at work for 3 days then a Fri-Sunday Colo archery cow moose next weekend for the only 3 days reserved for that one.

I don’t know what gun season‘s going on but I was on BLM and I heard someone drive in from the private and not three minutes later fired at least four shots in pretty rapid succession and then a few minutes later fired a couple more and then yet another shot. all within a couple hundred yards of me.

So I ask if per chance I yelled “learn how to shoot” before I packed my kit and waded back across the Henry’s Fork River at last light would that have been an inelegant maneuver?

On a positive note some kayakers paddling to beat last night to get to the takeout down stream a mile said they saw two big bulls by the river about a half a mile or so upstream so I’m gonna take that to mean the bulls I was chasing yesterday did not succumb to all this artillery fire.

approximate location puts them just about where Brandon videotaped that bull in the middle of the river back on Sunday.

Head back to hunt the rut on Sept 23 till get it done up to 2.5 weeks or so with the Colo cow moose hunt coming next weekend. Probably be a solo hunt for that one but one good buddy may come out for it. 🤞
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LOL. live text thread with lady landowner. who thinks I should hunt only what she deems BLM versus using published maps.

Chilln’ waiting for bulls to come over the line. View attachment 237532
Here’s a neat little tidbit. The BLM maps are never incorrect. The GLO (now called the BLM) was in charge of establishing the lines to begin with, therefore they are the original lines. Assuming the original monuments or a propagation of them have been recovered or retraced, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.
try not to step on skunks hidden in tall grass. close call this morning.


Headed back to Colorado. At a minimum we created opportunities and maybe more than anything I think we’re really set up for a really strong start knowing exactly where to go, how to get there by truck boat or on foot and start calling during the rut when we come back. Also “they “ say the big bulls come from outside into the unit for the rut. so there is that and maybe will get lucky and see some actual big bulls.

see you in 19 days Idaho!

next up is Colorado cow moose this coming weekend. Guess I’ll find out if I can pop in the unit and tag a moose with only two days to hunt. Took me a week to arrow a cow last time I had this tag in this unit. Saw lots of bulls but never saw cow till day 6.
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the one day of scouting yielded this cow late afternoon. We drove all over and did not set camp till found this moose. She was still in very accessible spot at dark thirty this evening.

Enjoying a beverage and bighorn stroganoff with buddy and HTalker @Lonnie58 who has joined me for the trip.

Hoping for some luck come shooting light in the morning!
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the one day of scouting yielded this cow late afternoon. We drove all over and did not set camp till found this moose. She was still in very accessible spot at dark thirty this evening.

Enjoying a beverage and bighorn stroganoff with buddy Lonnie who has joined me for the trip.

Hoping for some luck come shooting light in the morning!

not enuf cell to post pics of the moose.
You are due an easy one. Hope you get one first thing in the morning.
the one day of scouting yielded this cow late afternoon. We drove all over and did not set camp till found this moose. She was still in very accessible spot at dark thirty this evening.

Enjoying a beverage and bighorn stroganoff with buddy Lonnie who has joined me for the trip.

Hoping for some luck come shooting light in the morning!

not enuf cell to post pics of the moose.
Get some! Rooting for you!
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