Caribou Gear Tarp

KHunter 2022 ID bull and CO cow moose hunts

no moose spotted opening day. 6 am till 8 pm so short recap.

scoured much of the general area where we spotted that nice bull to no avail.

Some of the channels were pretty narrow and had to liftcrafts over downed trees or walk them along short stretches.



Still hunted and called ( calling tough to do this early in season is my understanding)

landed the pack rafts at numerous spots along the river and hi,ed around searching for moose, moose sign, etc. Did see a very large whitetail buck and this nice one.


back at it in the morning.
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no moose spotted opening day. 6 am till 8 pm so short recap.

scoured much of the general area where we spotted that nice bull to no avail.

Still hunted and called ( calling tough to do this early in season is my understanding)

landed the pack rafts at numerous spots a,omg the river and hi,ed around searching for moose, moose sign, etc. Did see a very large whitetail buck.

back at it in the morning.
You will see many big whitetails on this trip.
Get some rest and get at em tomorrow! Good luck
HT needs an exclusive thread category that can only be viewed once you reach 1k posts....just saying...
Sounds awesome except the amount of worthless posts people would make in an attempt to reach exclusive limited entry status would become a problem. We could call it post creep. I’m sure @wllm could make a flow chart of some sort to show how this would positively and negatively effect us. That is if he isn’t too busy sheep hunting.
Sounds awesome except the amount of worthless posts people would make in an attempt to reach exclusive limited entry status would become a problem. We could call it post creep. I’m sure @wllm could make a flow chart of some sort to show how this would positively and negatively effect us. That is if he isn’t too busy sheep hunting.
wait, maybe they have thought of this already and there is a club. its like fight club where you dont talk to others about it. i wonder what the post threshold is???
Lot’s of beautiful scenery wherever look. We can see Tetons from camp. morning’s view.


Started the day driving and glassing and exploring additional pvt lands we have access to plus some BLM. No moose spotted but did find some sign.

We then moved on to our daily hunt-by-raft routine. Still loving the pack rafts! Hot weather and moderate stream temps. Quite comfortable hunting wet from knees down all day.

Clothes:camo hubting pants and shirt, neoprene wading socks and ankle high wading boots with felt bottom. And a PFD.

We get out and feet are squshy with water for a few minutes, then just sopping wet. Seems to work fine—and better than wearing full wafers in this heat and trying to stay perfectly dry. @abqbw /Brandon wearing same.

Picked a put-in spot about 8 river miles above camp with plan to float back to camp while stopping to hunt promising pieces of land including the many islands on foot. Nice not having to shuttle cars other than a trip at the end to retrieve my truck at the put-in.

Within the first 15 minutes of the float, heard the sound of a large mammal in thick brush sounding spooked—heavy footfall and breaking brush on an island probably less than than 50 yards from where I was floating.

Sounded definitely bigger than a deer so we turned off on the little braided channel at the lower end of the island and I got out and Brandon stayed with the rafts as it looked like every inch of the island was absolutely choked with Willows, dead willows, trees, shoulder high grasses etc. so it was hard to manuver.

As I was easing along I heard the critter breaking brush at what sounded like 25 or so yards away through THICK willows so I waited a few minutes and then backed out and tried to come in from the upstream end of the island.

I heard a single moose grunt and then I end up getting I guess about 10 yards from what I could just barely see was a moose. Course it busted out for real this time crashing through willows and nasty out ndergrowth and giving me a glimpse of a small set of moose antlers before sashing across a narrow and shallow channel may be 10 yards wide at upstream end of the island and onto another island. Fun experience but I would’ve passed on a moose that size even if I could’ve gotten a shot off with my bow.

Then we spend the bulk of the rest of the day on various islands and federal and state lands adjacent to where we saw the good bull back on Sunday (the bull captured on video) to no avail

Finally floated into camp after sunset. Had to lush it a little toward the end to avoid paddling in the dark.

Sunset was pretty spectacular and the photo hardly captures the intesexred ogf the sun.


Dinner was a nice bighorn sheep stew. This hunt is certainly hard work with few moose as expected.

Brandon on the river


Our landowner/host for our camp spot and his horse waiving as we float by on way to our secluded camp 1/3 mile downstream. He raises cutting horses and is a cowboy to the core. Awesome guy. He lives in that RV when busy irrigating and haying which he has been for weeks.

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Made sime strides gaining pvt land access around area those bigger bulls were in a neighborhood. There is a lot of wild lands choked with willows along that river.

Even garnered access for a property I had been told “no” for back in June

Tiny meandering river channel so will be a good test for the rafts.

A cow calf pair I spotted after cross river from camp and still hunted this afternoon.


While I used the pack raft to cross main channel to hunt across river from camp, had to put on chacos for a few braided channels after ditched the raft.
