There are only 2 regulated areas worth a damn. Rest of the states sucks for a diy hunter with no access to private. The elk are harrassed by deer hunters, poachers, atv riders and target shooters on public land. I drew a cow tag in 21, what a sham.Ky had the best elk hunt in America as far as harvest and a chance for a trophy. Those days are long gone. If you draw a good regulated area it is still good. If not, you get to hunt a hog mess of autumn olive and sericea lespedeza and chiggers!!!! Most strip mines are nothing like they were early on. It is sad what happened. Stripped mountain tops become perfect for invasive trees that grow 10 times faster then natives. Burning is the only economical and effective way to control this but sericia wont carry a good flame. If it would of been reclaimed with native warm season grasses, fire would control these invasive foreign trees and created awesome elk habitat. To late now![]()