Keeping A Secret....

I'll make June quick.
Sacrifice month. Catching up with family..East coast/West coast. Grandparents want to see granddaughter.
Family time in Montana. Some camping. Paddleboarding , mountain biking.
All summer projects on house and property. Cutting firewood.
Clear the f-ing decks.
Meanwhile Greenhorn making me look like the laughing stock.
First trip in for one night I passed 4 older women. One asked me where I was going.
Stone faced, I told her I absolutely had no idea.
Slight truth, slight lie?
"You don't know where you are going?"
Well, I kinda do, but not exactly. Nor do I know where I will end up.
Jeez. Gimme a break.
So I drew 302.
I put in for 302 for specific reasons.
Maybe a few more connected dots necessary.
I've spent my adult life roaming my corner of Montana. There are many people like me, natives, transplants that live for the backcountry. Some people want to be a part of it but they will never truly connect.
Some are hardcore.
I've climbed literally 100's of summits and wandered countless miles seeking solitude and adventure. Again, not bragging, ...the point is you understand how entrenched I am in in my backyard.
302 was the perfect choice.
Peaks, wilderness, limited access, grizzly central, elk, goats.,...and rams.
I also know people who have killed rams in this unit.
Finally, at 58, I knew I had enough gas in the tank...and maybe,just maybe I could rekindle that sense of hard-core.
So on the15th year( I think) i drew.
Since it is an either sex hunt, you won’t have worry about anyone questioning if it is legal. 😀

I look forward to the rest of the story.
Difficult area. Spending most time at 10k.
No water period. Having to pack in water for three day trips sucks. Smoke is intermittent in July. Mostly above the smoke settled in the lower elevations but haze interferes with long distance spotting.
Roaming. Awesome country20210725_064507.jpg20210725_112809.jpg20210725_112952.jpg
Late July.
Self employed I'm trying to keep money rolling in, working weekdays, scouting weekends. The odd three day weekends a bonus.
This particular weekend I'm going on a march.
Greenhorn already getting bored looking at ewes and dinks with occasional interesting rams. What am I doing wrong?
Haven't seen one sheep.
Sheep spotted!20210808_074104.jpg20210808_063923.jpg20210808_061104.jpg20210808_103644.jpg
PEAX Trekking Poles

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