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Keeping A Secret....

6 hr drive to think about things.
Pardon me moderators and any others.
But Holy $uck!
Reality begins to set in. My life just flipped upside least the next 5 months.

Fast forward a day or two. I spread word and the networking begins. Email/ texts are POPPING.
But I'm going way too fast. Haha Faithful.
Alright Faithful, let's get the ball rolling.

Picture late May, I take my annual turkey trip to Eastern Montana. Recent years I combine this with fishing the big lake.
I love ALL things Montana, except some of the recent transplants that are clueless and don't belong here. Circling the state at least once a year is mandatory. By winters end in SouthWest Montana I crave a change of scenery. Its a time to wander the ponderosa, visit ranching families , breath deep the beauty of the other end of the state. I like hunting turkeys, simple fact I've killed close to 60. Passion.
I taught myself to flyfish at 12...46 years ago. First confession (age). So,yeah, I live in trout country SW Montana but I'm bored with trout a tiny bit. Chasing pike with a fly is the new game. So now turkey hunting and pike fishing( Nemont country) is the getaway.
I warned you, I'm taking the long way.

So there i am driving down that shitty road on the East side of Dry Arm heading home when I get..the text.
" Any luck in the draw"
WTF? What an idiot, ..too busy high speeding around potholes to remember to check. But then the signal is lost.
You know the routine, find the highest butte/ bench and cross your fingers.
Side roads were dry(imagine that) and off I peel.
Whats my friggin F & G password?
Got it, scroll, scroll.
Time stopped.
It was Cushman moment.(thanks for your service by the way).
Frantic texting to friends.
So back on the oil and heading for home..6 hours.
But wait, its a lie, I wasn't using my stupid readers, somehow I "IMAGINED" the whole damn thing. Jeezus, find another butte.
It was no lie.

pics before life changing moment. I haven't fished since.
View attachment 198230
A shot at transplants and trout fisherman, I’m tuned in.
Okay ,background.
Nope, not a native to Montana.
Born in Michigan, raised in Western Massachusetts.
I was predisposed to wandering woods alone, and believe it or not , where I lived I could go out the back door and never see a road,house, or person for an entire day. I became comfortable pre-teen in the dark, alone in the woods.
Not bragging. No chest thumping. It just WAS. This is important to understand my story. Maybe alot of you can relate.
Skip to 24 years old. I load up my chit in a car, little money, and move to Montana. I didn't know anybody, no contacts, no job.

But I HAD to move . The mountains pulled me in to their arms. Laugh if you want.
So I drew 302.
I put in for 302 for specific reasons.
Maybe a few more connected dots necessary.
I've spent my adult life roaming my corner of Montana. There are many people like me, natives, transplants that live for the backcountry. Some people want to be a part of it but they will never truly connect.
Some are hardcore.
I've climbed literally 100's of summits and wandered countless miles seeking solitude and adventure. Again, not bragging, ...the point is you understand how entrenched I am in in my backyard.
302 was the perfect choice.
Peaks, wilderness, limited access, grizzly central, elk, goats.,...and rams.
I also know people who have killed rams in this unit.
Finally, at 58, I knew I had enough gas in the tank...and maybe,just maybe I could rekindle that sense of hard-core.
So on the15th year( I think) i drew.
Back to networking.
Very important. Consider the Biologist as providing entry level info...but the guys who have hunted and killed are THE primary source of information to help towards success.
Of course I started with our commander Mr. Newberg because he is famous and knows everybody...and happens to be a friend for close to 30 years.
I also immediately notified another close friend who shot a ram,goat, moose, and elk in this unit.
AND finally faithful Hunttalkers I pm'd
Greenhorn. This should bring this thread some life.
Yep, messaged Greenhorn and basically prayed he wasn't hunting my unit. I need that guy running over my back.
We drank too many beers one night and cemented our friendship. Love the dude.
Big player in my world.
The two of us have been texting back and forth exchanging info, sharing pics, and keeping the humor elevated.

Command center established at my house.
Now almost June.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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