Caribou Gear

Keep It Public Conservation Campouts (Idaho and Montana)


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2014
Glasgow, MT
Hey guys, I’ve been meaning to let everyone on here know about these for a while. Over the next two weeks we’ll be hosting a Conservation Campout in both Idaho and Montana.
These are very informal and a great time for both kids and adults.

IDAHO- Juniper Thinning in Critical Sage Grouse Habitat
June 16-17

For this project we will use hand loppers to thin out western juniper. With modern fire suppression and the reduction of natural fire cycles, juniper has encroached upon sagebrush habitat, outcompeting bunchgrasses, forbs and sagebrush itself - all of which are important to grouse and many other species. The activity level will be whatever you feel comfortable with. It’s all helpful. Remember: a solid pair of boots and work gloves are highly recommended. All other tools and training will be provided.
After we’re finished working for the day we’ll move to our camping spot, get tents set up (or whatever you’re sleeping in), have some drinks, and grill up a wild game feast (teaser: we’ll have moose, elk and other wild game on hand, in addition to some standard fare). If you’re peckish or particular, please don’t hesitate to bring snacks/food/drinks of your own!
In the morning we’ll pack up, work a little bit more if the site needs it (or we’re eager), and then be on our way.

Full details:

MONTANA-Habitat Restoration on the Charles M. Russell Wildlife Refuge
June 23-24

Come help us continue our work on the C. M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge. The CMR acquired new acreage through the Land & Water Conservation Fund, and there is still some old fencing the Fish & Wildlife Service needs to remove from wildlife corridors. After making significant progress during our 2017 campout in the CMR, we're excited to continue our habitat improvement work in the area. I will be bringing my trove of wild game to grill over the campfire that night as well.

Sign up:
Full details:

If you are interested or have any questions, shoot me a PM.
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These sound fun and rewarding. For some reason I thought the Montana one was the first weekend of June.

That was the plan. The Thursday night before the campout started we got over 2 inches of rain. The refuge was less than enthusiastic about 20 people being stranded due to gumbo roads so we moved it back a few weeks.