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Keep active, keep young

Ben Long

Well-known member
Aug 8, 2011
Kalispell, MT
So I'm in Idaho visiting my folks on the family farm. Help my dad put up some firewood maybe help him hang a whitetail buck. He's 88, Mom's 89, and still going strong. Then he wakes me up at 5 a.m. His tongue is swollen so big he cannot talk, cannot swallow. Uh oh. We drive ASAP 20 miles to the local hospital where they put him on a ventilator and put him in a helicopter for Spokane. Turns out he had a sudden allergic reaction to blood pressure medication he has been taking for 17 years. Anyway, they gave him some steroids and took him off the meds and the swelling went down after 24 hours in the ICU. Now he is home, complaining about Trump. I think our deer hunt is off but he says he's 90 percent back to baseline.

When the nurse was checking him in, she said "He's 88. Does he have any special devices to get around at home?" My answer was, well an ATV for elk hunting and a tractor for skidding logs." She said, "Uh, I meant more like a cane or walker."

My parents have 178 years between them and this was their first medical emergency. (Childbirth doesn't count.) A lot of it is good luck, pure and simple, but I also think an active lifestyle, plenty of fresh air and exercise, healthy food, and a connection to the land helps enormously. I know they can't live this lifestyle forever, but ... let's just say I'll have an extra helping of gratitude this Thanksgiving.
When the nurse was checking him in, she said "He's 88. Does he have any special devices to get around at home?" My answer was, well an ATV for elk hunting and a tractor for skidding logs." She said, "Uh, I meant more like a cane or walker."

This right here is the post of the week! Love it!
Glad your Dad is ok! Allergic reactions can be weird things.

Sounds like you come from hardy stock. I think you are right. Keeping busy and engaged seems to do wonders for people. Hope I’m that spry when I’m old 😁
Right on, that is awesome. Good health is a blessing we shouldn’t take for granted
I hope he gets that deer. If not this year, then maybe next year.

When my great grandfather was 90, my grandmother and her siblings were trying to get him to retire from cattle farming. They asked him how much longer he planned on farming and he said “at least another 10 years.”
Here’s to hoping we all have such good fortune as your parents what a blessing.
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