Yeti GOBOX Collection

Just Bought A 41 Magnum Revolver, Anybody else shoot one?

I have 2 pistols and a Henry Big Boy steel in .41 mag. My hog hunting rifle is the Henry and I have a Ruger Bisley stainless 41 mag and a S&W 57 with a 4 in barrel, spouse just bought me. He found an unfired M57 here locally.

I just had the spouse load up some 41 special loads and we went and out and shot the new ,old pistol. The 41 special rounds are quite nice to shoot and go out 1200+ fps. Starline makes the new brass .41 special I was lucky to find online.

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Yup, been shooting one for years. Not quite a 44 mag, but plenty of power in a handgun if you shoot them in the head...



I’ve had a .41 Blackhawk for some time now. Primarily Ive used it to make my knuckle hurt. Lighter loads and the ugliest Hogue grips you’ll ever see helped immensely. I like the round, it’s no .44 mag but you know know you’ve done something when a round torches off.