Just a Poor Colorado kid!

The foreshadowing is masterful in this one. Mega yuge giant elk bones are coming!
So where was I? Oh, heading into September with marginal shooting ability and confidence. I also have severe anxiety over not really knowing where any big bools may live within the unit.

Most say “relax, they’re all over the unit”. I decide against that and do the only rational thing. Drive 8 hours back down there over a long Labor day weekend.

Enjoyable trip, spent some nice evenings sitting on the cab of the truck listening to bools, but not all that successful in laying eyes on anything that Arizona elk hunting is famous for. FB78D233-C1D1-4A2F-951C-CD471728F813.jpeg3C9AF84C-E991-4C05-9F40-8523B8FF80EA.jpegC22D2330-8B8D-4DC8-A5A0-E963963D326B.jpeg7608BCA1-DF0C-4D3A-BC92-F3EF4F82433A.jpeg
The plan is to hunt all 14 days of the season. It would be ideal to go a bit early but it’s not in the cards. I’m going to get there the day before and have time to maybe go out that evening a bit for a look see. My brother is coming from AK to help the first week but will not be there until the afternoon of the opener.

Everyone has asked what I want and expect from the hunt. Of course I want a 400 inch bool but Im also trying to keep my expectations reasonable. I’m not sure I can eat this tag like the bear hunt.

I for sure want an old bull, although that can be hard to gauge. Absolutely no broken bulls. I set my mind for a 350 minimum and 370 goal. Not that I can hardly tell the difference between those 2 sizes of antlers.

On the eve of the opener I mess around a bit in a section of the unit I had high hopes for. Nothing but a few light hearted bugles outside the unit. Not helpful.

It lightly rains and It’s amazing how green the desert still is. Should be a good show.

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