Joses Friends hindering the military

Since this thread has strayed so far off of topic and so many of you are acting like butt buffoons (my twist to the "ass clown" buzz word), I figure I can get away with this...

I think the jealousy stems from you all want Jose Cuervo's worm and you can't handle it.

Nice post, almost as good as most of mine.

There is another possibility that you left out though.

It could be that the "majority" have become so complacent in their secure world (which revolves around and with) others who "pretty much think like them"...that they dont know how to handle being challenged by someone who isnt "pretty much like them" and thinks outside the box.

Ever think of that? or was that not part of the psycology curriculam you seem well schooled in???
Thank you for the compliment. I've not heard you in your arrogance, equate anyone's posts as being equivalent to your own. It's nice to know that someone holds your posts in high regard.

As for my course of study, that was not a part of the question I was addresseing. I believe the issue was why Hose B was on Hunttalk. I refuse to accept that he is here to challenge anyone to improve or to intellectually discuss anything. If I am wrong and his entire intent in addressing the issues is to sway or convince others that he is right and they need to expand their minds and address the issues in a manner that he feels in correct or that they should realize that his opinion is correct and they shoulc change the way they think, then that would put him exactly where I described. I don't believe the he comes to this board for anything other than the rush he gets when people get angry with him. It provides him with some demented version of a feeling of accomplishement. I have little or no doubt that his intent is soley to rile the locals.

Now you, on the other hand, unfortunately believe everything you write. That is both good and a little scarey at the same time. I think, and it's only one man's opinion, that you are a bit arrogant in your presentation. You talk down to everyone and you address issues much like your paramour does. Your view is the only view and anyone who disagrees with you is either uneducated, or fails to see the blessed light that you are so privvy to. You have little tolerance for disagreement and like so many people I've known from that part of the country, are very convinced that everyone who doesn't come from up there is just down right stupid. Now granted, this may be all misconception on my part, but that's the way it reads. You address political issue like the world depends on whether or not we will have hunting and fishing in another hundred years. I have a flash for you Buzz, there are more important issues than whether or not we will be able to hunt and fish in a hundred years. Hunting is fishing is a recreational past time. It is not a lifestyle for those of us unfortunate enough to have to work for a living. I doubt that many of us who have grown up in the modern world would choose to live in a primitive environment the rest of our lives. Most of us don't want to work that hard at staying alive. We like our cars and phones and TVs and VCRs and the rest of the comforts of modern life.

So to return to the original issue, I think your buddy HoseB gets a kick out of all the attention he gets by stirring the pot. Plain and simple, he's a bit whacked. Then who among us is not?

****and just as a side note you arrogant ass, you mispelled curriculum.

****and just as a side note you arrogant ass, you mispelled curriculum.

There should be a comma after "note". :D If you are going to insult people about their spelling maybe you should learn punctuation. :rolleyes:

I really get a big kick out of you guys! :D
Dan, wow you seem to have a knack for psychology. Would it be too much to ask for you to evaluate my posts and let me know why I am here and if there is anything mentally wrong? Thanks in advance! :D

P.S. If you like you can PM the results to me, in case you determine me to be seriously whacked in order to prevent my embarrassment.
Larry Landgren said:
Thats all you got to say bean breath ? who cares about english and literature bull shit . For some one with my education I sure do better in the work world than most guys with high school and college educations.
Yah, your rite, a hi skool edujumacation is ovurated. Who neds taht Englush an litarerture bull shit. I wanna be lik Larry!!! |oo
danr55 said:
You would think that any sentient person would prefer to discuss issues among familiars who tend to at least be in the same universe of thought with him or her rather than to be constantly at odds with the majority.
Are you serious??? You want to discuss issues with people of the same thought as yourself??? What is the point in that. Don't you already know your views on the subject???
Washington Hunter said:
Dan, wow you seem to have a knack for psychology. Would it be too much to ask for you to evaluate my posts and let me know why I am here and if there is anything mentally wrong? Thanks in advance! :D

P.S. If you like you can PM the results to me, in case you determine me to be seriously whacked in order to prevent my embarrassment.
Now I need to clean the soda off my monitor. :D

I must say, although I appreciate the free analysis and the insight into my psyche, I have to be honest with you. It does bother me a bit that you spend that much time thinking about me. Perhaps you should spend some time outside getting exercise or something that takes your mind off of me, and my tanned and toned calves, my piercing blue eyes, my radiating smile, ..... :eek:
Danr said, "You have little tolerance for disagreement and like so many people I've known from that part of the country, are very convinced that everyone who doesn't come from up there is just down right stupid."

Once again, you made a worthwhile post, but once again I think you may have missed something...or at least not thought of something...

Maybe the reason that people from "my part of the country" are hard for you to deal with is because they are an independent bunch of bastards that are not duped by the conservative media and plain old bullshit.

People from my part of the country THINK about the issues, educate themselves about the issues, and rarely side with the majority only because life would be easier if they did. Thats the great thing about being from Montana, Wyoming, moves slow enough for us to really put some thought into our opinions and beliefs...not just believe what the "majority" thinks. Screw the majority, they arent the risk takers, they dont like uncertainity, they arent independent, they're a bunch of followers.

I still have to ask why you even bother posting on a hunting board? You and your opinion in regard to the future of hunting, is the exact reason why I will continue to fight for it and fight for the environment.

You've proven to me, beyond any doubt, that at best the environment and hunting are nothing more than a modest interest...similar to building model airplanes or collecting coins.

Fine, but dont get in the way of people that take it more seriously than that. We havent drank the kool-aid and given up on taking the appropriate measures to ensure that hunting and wildlife continue to exist for future generations. Again, maybe thats what makes Montana and Wyoming people unique...they just dont do things half-assed. At least not the people that I associate with.

Oh, and Danr, while you can downplay the importance of hunting and its future...thats not the REAL issue that I'm concerned with. When we lose wildlife, when we lose wildlife habitat, and when we lose the environment...guess who's tit is in a ringer next??? :eek:
I have to agree with Buzz, especially his last sentence. What everybody needs to think about, is that when (or if) this world (and this country) get to the point where most of the wildlife habitat is gone or seriously degraded, and for the most part hunting is a thing of the past, what will the quality of life be like for us humans? Will our air be unfit to breathe and our water too polluted to drink? Will there be enough farmland left to feed all the people on this planet? And where will we dump our garbage? Oops I seem to have gotten WAY off topic. :eek: Sorry about that. Let's continue on with the topic of using illegal Mexicans for target practice. :D
It could be that the "majority" have become so complacent in their secure world (which revolves around and with) others who "pretty much think like them"...that they dont know how to handle being challenged by someone who isnt "pretty much like them" and thinks outside the box.

Buzz, if you are referring to yourself and/or guner/sybil on this, I will have to say...
You've got to be kidding, that is about as far from the truth as you could step with a straight face.... :)

You don't put yourself off as condescending of others...

Very well said Dan, from what I have seen, and what others have said, you hit it right on the head...

Ithica, I don't even understand why you would want to step into this one? It is only Buzz and guner/sybil that spend a lot of time correcting others and need their own failings pointed out to them so the can see in real life they really can't walk on water or their poop really does stink, just like any other common mans... :eek: :)
Elkcheese, speaking of "hitting things on the head" must have suffered a severe blow to the head at some point in your life, its the only explaination for your lack of comprehension, lack of thought, and over-all mental problems...

Read Danrs post carefully cheese, it applies to you.
(The handle up above is supposed to say "JudgeRoyBean") Since everyone is changing their name, and that was my handle in college, I am changing it over as soon as I can figure out how to do it.

I say hang them all!


Gunner likes to take the contrarian point of view all the time just to stir up debate and piss people off. The funny thing is Buzz and Matt agree with his point of view 9 out of 10 times.
Great, now we're discussing illegal immigrants, why some are here (hunttalk), and what I see in an inkblot! Awesome. Hey, the pope was buried in a Cyprus coffin, I thought they quit cutting those? Where else to they grow?

I agree with 'Gunner 3.56792 times out of 10, I just don't let him know which ones! ;)
I see that MR.Moose is in favor of bombing the illegals, if they enter restricted areas [Yuma Marine Base] LMAO. :D

Matt are you and HoseB starting to get a "clue" ? you lose again. SLAM DUNK! OUCH!!! |oo
Buzz, With regard to "tits in the ringer", we've litterally fornicated ourselved into said ringer. In the year 2017, the population of the world will begin to double every 50 years. That will increase geometrically until or unless some great catasrophe occurrs. If you look at nature and observe what happens when the population exceeds the carrying capacity for the habitat, you see two things. They either expand the habitat or there is a large die off and the population reduces itself as a result. Example, the blue tongue epidemics that seem to engulf white tail habitat when it becomes crowded.

Now our options for expanding our habitat are very limited. I'm afraid that your wildlife habitat is pretty much doomed unless something occurs that reduces or limits the population of the world. I don't expect my great grandkids to have much opportunity for open spaces unless the go to sea.. which would not be all bad. So you continue to defend wildlife and wild places and I will cheer for your successes and I wish you many of them. Don't however pretend to understand how I think or what I think about. You read what you want to read in what people post. You're guessing at best and that ain't real good.

In response to the more personal notes in the thread:

Ithica, the is no comma because no comma is required. It is a continuation of a single thought.

Hoser.. or Jose or Hose B or Sybil, or however you are.. I'm quite pleased to see you have a high opinion of yourself, but I don't think that comes as a surprise to anyone.. either in this world or the world you live in. It's a good thing you do as everyone should have someone who thinks highly of them. So Jose, you compliment Elk Gunner. Hose B, you compliment Jose and Sybil, you just sit in the corner and be the bitch we all know you can be.

and WH.. I don't find anything wrong with your posts. Matter of fact, I kind of envy your situation. You have a beautiful lady who is enamoured of you and you have a great dog. Whatever you're doing, it's right. Keep doing it.

dan, Sorry. You need a comma.

I was waiting to see if you'd notice the other mistake. "*****and just as a side note you arrogant ass, you mispelled curriculum."

Take a close look. You criticize Buzz for misspelling something and you made a spelling error yourself!! :D
Hey Danr the great...

Funny how you say crap like this:

Don't however pretend to understand how I think or what I think about. You read what you want to read in what people post. You're guessing at best and that ain't real good.

Then you make assumptions about: "and like so many people I've known from that part of the country, are very convinced that everyone who doesn't come from up there is just down right stupid"

Arent you pretty much telling me how I think and what I'm like based on useless and totally unfounded personal conclusions that you've come to? You're guessing at best arent you?

Not trying to break your balls...but dont break mine when you do the same thing.

What would Mr. Freud say about that???

As to your "guesses" on world population...we can do something about particular in the US...

Step number one is ensuring the seperation of church and state and getting the bible-thumping baby factories OUT OF POLITICS...including shrub.

Quit giving tax exemptions for kids...start TAXING people for having kids and give TAX CREDITS to people who dont have them.

You talk as though people dont have a choice but to screw like drunk monkies and have 12 kids a piece and that there is no way to control the U.S. population. There are ways to deal with it...if you have the courage to solve the problem.

Sorry if I'm still opitimistic about finding solutions to complex problems...guess I just havent given up and turned into a cynical, fat, grouchy 60 year old.

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