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Joses Friends hindering the military

JoseCuervo said:

I heard of a study last week in two Junior Highs where the Abstinence message was getting thru to the kids. Something like 1/3 were planning on having oral sex in the next 6 months..........

While it may not prevent disease, they won't be drawing welfare for it
AprilW said:
While it may not prevent disease, they won't be drawing welfare for it

Are the Abstienence programs designed to reduce welfare??? What does this country spend more on, Aids research and related Aids spending or welfare to teenage moms?

I have a hard time believing Dubya and Bible Bangers are preaching Abstience in the schools because of Fiscal Responsiblity (as he borrows another $120 Billion to secure Iraq)....

That was my response to your post.

If you are asking *me* what the abstinance programs are designed for, I would to say to teach about abstinance.

You would have to contact the program directors themsleves to see what their mission is.

If you need the answer to whether more federal funds are spent on Aids or to teenage welfare recipients, you might try an internet search engine. I have no idea, not do I care. You do not need to post the results for my benefit alone.

I was not aware of any "preaching abstinance" in schools. I am glad they are teaching about it, but I have not been aware of any preaching. Prior to the sex ed classes my daughter received in school, I contacted the school nurse to go over the material being presented. Abstinance was one of the methods taught, but not "preached"
Well I'll chime back in with one more thing since this post has wandered away from military hinderance....the one thing that they (our local schools) talk about more than anything in the personal development (pc for sex ed these days) classes is HIV and AIDS.

I've got three daughters but (seems sooooo long ago now) was also 16 once as well. I think the biggest deterrent to me, if I was currently reliving my youth, is that whats out there NOW can kill ya! Thirty years ago you might have thought a bit about crabs or a case of the clap but now its the gift that keeps on giving!

Like Buzz said, and I'm not going to turn it into a political issue as I personally feel its a moral decline in our country that is having the greatest impact, the word still needs to get out there that abstinance (listen to Dad now girls) would be prefered but if not, and again I'll steal from Buzz "wrapping the rascal" beats Russian roulette any day of the week and with the current STD's that are out there, that is truely what unprotected sex has become.

I'll relinqish my soapbox and let the thread proceed or (maybe) get back on topic.... :eek:
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