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Jonny Football

The rookie contracts aren't what they used to be. Additionally as quarterback you need to be able to pass the in, can you play in the NFL. While he is dynamic and no doubt a terrific player he has much to work on to be viable at the next level. (See Tim Tebow)

Who cares about Tebow. Many had him pegged for NFL failure before he was ever drafted. You wanna talk apples to apples, I'd compare his running and passing abilities to guys like Vick and RG3...
I don't disagree at all with the comparisons, but my point wasn't about them. My point was JFF has a lot to prove yet for someone to take a chance on him. His best bet is doing that at A&M playing against the SEC.
I really hate the "kids look up to him" or the "he's a role model" argument. I have talked to my boys since they were small about using athletes as role models. They are not, you don't know them, you don't know anything about them. You can admire how they play their sport, but leave it at that. Role models are people who you know, can talk to, can help you. Moms, Dads, Uncles, Aunts, you get my idea. If you haven't talked to your kids about this, or shown them what role models are about, then I don't feel like you are doing your job.

Johnny Football is a 19 y/o pimply faced boy who can sling the crap out of the pigskin. He does not get paid to play football, it's not his job. He is a college student (supposedly anyway) and the University makes MILLIONS off his arm. If he makes it through college long enough to make it to the NFL where he does get paid, then I can see where it's time to grow up and be a man. At 19 though and a sophomore in college, give me a break. I personally did a whole bunch of stupid things when I was that age.

With all that said, I would love to grab his Daddy and have a long talk with him, then grab every coach who has let him slid because he was their paycheck. I have way more issues with these people than the immature boy everyone thinks should be a man.

Ok, off the soapbox

I see what you are saying, I agree that if as a society we let professional athletes, celebrities, rappers be our kids legal, moral, and ethical compasses we are doomed.

I applaud you for proactively talking to your kids about it. I plan on doing the same when I have kids, I wish everyone would these days, but I am pretty sure 95% of parents don't. Also, I know I did some dumb stuff in college, just not on national television. I still don't think it excuses his behavior, and I think you are accurate in putting some of the blame on his parents. The reality of the situation though, is that here are alot of 19 year olds out there acting like grownups. Maybe I was a little hard on him above, but I think time will tell. Unfortunately, college and professional sports don't do a very good job of making their players take responsibility for themselves.

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