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Joining the Illinois Exodus

Congrats on the move. I grew up in IL and after moving to IN 5 years ago it amazes me that anyone is left in that s***hole of a state. My parents are still stuck but only for another 2 years and they will be gone.
I grew up in Southern Illinois, near St Louis. I went to college in Missouri, lived there a couple years aside from that, then lived in NWI for a couple years for work before moving to Montana last summer. This doesn't count summers spent working various places.

Given what has transpired in IL in the past ten years, plus what is coming down the pipes now, I will never move back. My parents still live there, I still have friends & other family there, but I refuse to ever live in that state again.

I love that region, with the hunting and fishing availability, the weather, the traditions, and the rolling hills. But the politics that are mandated from up North and their financial tanking of the state has pushed me to leave while I have the chance.

Montana isn't quite the utopia people seem to think, though. Is there a lot of access? Yes. But game density could be better, as could river access. Sure, there isn't a sales tax, but the tiered income tax gets you on the front end instead of the tail. Real estate prices are higher than they have any right to be. People with the most money try to dominate the politics, just like anywhere else. That being said- I love it, and don't think I'll leave any time soon. Just need to get some snow shoes...
Come south to Wyoming and try and access any of our rivers and you will see what a gem the Montana stream access law provides regarding access. Almost every bridge crossing a river in MT has a raft ramp of some kind. There are massive waterway stretches in Wyoming that are technically public on the water but if my paddle touches the river bottom I am trespassing.
Welcome to IN, I live about an hour SE of your new home. Can't disagree with your complaints about IL, but the deer hunting is so far much better in IL than IN I have purchased a farm and built a hunting cabin in southern IL as well as lease another big farm. The quality of deer hunting and the caliber of bucks I see in one state vs the other is night and day different, has to due with the season structures and hunting pressure.

No way I would live or own property in any metro area of IL, but I find the remote rural areas to have really good down to earth people, low cost of living and so far the property taxes aren't ridiculous. At some point the IL state government is simply going to get their heads out of their rear ends and start working out of their financial problems. They can't do something stupid like double taxes overnight or their problems will only get worse, so I don't really fear a big melt down or anything like that as an IL property owner.
Come south to Wyoming and try and access any of our rivers and you will see what a gem the Montana stream access law provides regarding access. Almost every bridge crossing a river in MT has a raft ramp of some kind. There are massive waterway stretches in Wyoming that are technically public on the water but if my paddle touches the river bottom I am trespassing.

Sorry, I misspoke. What I meant by poor river access was the low number of rivers, and general density of opportunity. There just isn't that much water out here in general. But what is there, there is plenty of access to- I really love the stream access laws here (instead of the grey-area guidelines in Missouri), but it can take a while to get to a spot. I had 6-7 drainages I fished on a regular basis that were within an hour of me in college, three of them were very sizeable rivers. Things are simply different here.
Welcome to IN, I live about an hour SE of your new home. Can't disagree with your complaints about IL, but the deer hunting is so far much better in IL than IN I have purchased a farm and built a hunting cabin in southern IL as well as lease another big farm. The quality of deer hunting and the caliber of bucks I see in one state vs the other is night and day different, has to due with the season structures and hunting pressure.

No way I would live or own property in any metro area of IL, but I find the remote rural areas to have really good down to earth people, low cost of living and so far the property taxes aren't ridiculous. At some point the IL state government is simply going to get their heads out of their rear ends and start working out of their financial problems. They can't do something stupid like double taxes overnight or their problems will only get worse, so I don't really fear a big melt down or anything like that as an IL property owner.

Everything is relative. The deer quality on public in Illinois has fallen off the table in the last 20 years. The reason is the same politicians that ruined the finances, brought their expertise to the hunting, ruining it. Eliminating nonresident quotas and incorporating crossguns in the archery season were two killers. The geniuses here installed a moratorium on the creation of new public properties, even if it is donated to them for free, due to their exorbitant cost of staffing salaries & pensions. Private land can be much better due to no guns in the rut. Since I am relegated to public I doubt I notice much difference in IN. Even if it is much worse, I have the LL so I can just go hunt IL.

I have also hunted downstate Illinois a lot over the last 30 years, JEPC quite a bit, and down as far as Alexander County for turkey. But don't think they are immune from JB's new poison. A progressive state income tax that will reach everyone, not just homeowners. The 1% hike in 2017 was just the start. If this bill passes the current 4.95% rate will graduate up to 9.85%. Sound like a plan? He wants to share the love.

More taxes
No way I would live or own property in any metro area of IL, but I find the remote rural areas to have really good down to earth people, low cost of living and so far the property taxes aren't ridiculous. At some point the IL state government is simply going to get their heads out of their rear ends and start working out of their financial problems. They can't do something stupid like double taxes overnight or their problems will only get worse, so I don't really fear a big melt down or anything like that as an IL property owner.

Illinios has the second highest property tax in the nation (and you don't get much for your taxes).

Illinois' politicians will never, at this point, "get their heads out of their rear ends". First Chicago is the most corrupt city in the nation ( and Illinois is one of the most corrupt states, if not the most corrupt, in the nation.

Second you have people like the OP, me and DaveN leaving the state so fast there is a sucking sound anytime you get within 25 miles of the border. That is hard working people, people who own businesses and contribute to society.

Third, those people who are leaving are being replaced by the dregs of society thanks to Illinois' "sanctuary" status and entitlement programs. Of course population isn't being replaced as fast as it is declining. Illinois is loosing people faster than any other state (California might have them beat.)

The only solution the Socialist politicians, who have a super majority, can come up with is more taxes. Oh yeah, and a $15/hour minimum wage further driving business to neighboring states. Some of the shining jewels in governor Prickster's plan include a property tax increases, gas tax increases, a mileage tax on your vehicle, a progressive income tax and a gun/ammo tax.

Our state bond status is miraculously still (barely) above junk. A couple of my liberal associates think that legal marijuana is the answer. It will be taxed like cigarettes and solve all of our problems. The state's billions of dollars of debt will magically be erased when everyone is just as damned high as the politicians. They said the same thing when the lottery came along, and later when gambling was made legal. They can't seem to remember that every time Illinois gets an extra dollar the budget is increased by three dollars.

In the next decade or two the political and financial situation in Illinois will make Puerto Rico look like a well oiled machine.
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Welcome to Indiana. I appreciate your honesty and energy. I have lived in the Hoosier state for over 25 years. Happy as a fat pig in a cold mudpuddle. Low taxes, friendly peole, state surplus, and the Indy 500. Congratulations on your wise decision.
Cha Ching


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Yep, joined the Illinois exodus in 1964 when I went into the U.S. Navy. It was turning into a disaster back then and has been on a hand car to hell since. Never looked back! MTG
Well, today was moving day. Had my Indiana W-4’s emailed to my HQ in Virginia before even departing! Only 3.23% state income tax.


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The only solution the Socialist politicians, who have a super majority, can come up with is more taxes. Oh yeah, and a $15/hour minimum wage further driving business to neighboring states. Some of the shining jewels in governor Prickster's plan include a property tax increases, gas tax increases, a mileage tax on your vehicle, a progressive income tax and a gun/ammo tax.

Don't forget about the plastic bag tax that is being worked on!
im very jealous of you, i have till 2042 till i can leave the "great" state of illinois...... only thing good about illinois is leaving it to visit Wisco or anywhere else
Wife supervising controlled avalanche. 26’ box truck from Enterprise fit everything in one load but barely!


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