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Jeff Hagener, new FWP director


I suggest you keep studying whats going on in Montana...you're about 40% right and 60% wrong.

Elk numbers in Montana are out of whack.

Guys with just enough information to be dangerous...usually are.

Buzz, I backed up my thoughts with links to support my claims.


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Over under on what post # Eric Albus comes on here saying its the end of BMA's, hunter landowner relationships, and landowner trust of FWP. I am putting the line at post #35 and taking the over.

I think sportsmen will be well represented with this appointment. But I think landowners and outfitters will be pissed that a former MWF guy is now running FWP again.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner. Post #56.
Dude, you came here with a chip on your shoulder, not sure why. If you don't like to hunt Montana, the schools, the towns and cities then my advice is stay the hell out and leave us alone, I am sure you and the State of Montana will both do just fine.

Happy New Year.
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I was kinda wondering how a Montana university got involved in the discussion. mtmuley
Dude, you came here with a chip on your shoulder, not sure why. If you don't like to hunt Montana, the schools, the towns and cities then my advice is stay the hell out and leave us alone, I am sure you and the State of Montana will both do just fine.

Happy New Year.


You take stuff way to personal. When I can afford to I will be back in MT until then I'll be hunting in WY. If you don't have a problem with what has gone on at UM and in Missoula, you should, espacially since your a UM grad. I actually like visiting Bozeman and seeing the hipsters when I go downtown for a beer. Great downtown scene they have there with the music, bars, and restaurants.

Happy New Year

I think you quoted tjones...maybe you're taking stuff too peronsal, clouding your rants?

I really couldnt care less about Montanas football program or what went on there...never went to the games when I was a student there and I bet I've been to less than 5 games in my life. Why waste a fall weekend day watching football when you could be out hunting??? To be honest, I never even followed the whole flap...no time for chit I have no interest in.

But, I do know and follow the hunting/fishing/fwp/legislative issues pretty closely...hunted MT for the 33rd consecutive year this fall. I rarely guess on what goes on with that stuff.

Carry on with your hatred of everything Montana...I'm out.

I think you quoted tjones...maybe you're taking stuff too peronsal, clouding your rants?

I really couldnt care less about Montanas football program or what went on there...never went to the games when I was a student there and I bet I've been to less than 5 games in my life. Why waste a fall weekend day watching football when you could be out hunting??? To be honest, I never even followed the whole flap...no time for chit I have no interest in.

But, I do know and follow the hunting/fishing/fwp/legislative issues pretty closely...hunted MT for the 33rd consecutive year this fall. I rarely guess on what goes on with that stuff.

Carry on with your hatred of everything Montana...I'm out.
I do take this part personally as I know one of the victims. What you just said pisses me off and I'm not afraid to admit it..

Flap??? The fact that you could "couldn't care less" and have "no interest" in what happened at UM says a lot about you as a person and Griz alumnus. It's extremely insensitive to the victims of these horrible crimes commited against your fellow Montanans. You would feel differently if it was your daughter that was gang raped by these players, I can assure you of that.

I'm out as well.
Jeff knew how to work with the legislature to try and get things accomplished for the good of hunters and anglers across the state. Not everything he did was perfect or always turned out successfuuly, but he workled hard, he was honest and he had integrity, something lacking in the top FWP offices for the past few years.

He is also trained as a scientist, has lived in Montana all his life, and most importantly, he hunts and fishes with a passion.

And he has his work cut out for him in what promises to be a very difficult and contentious legislative session. FWP deserves to take some serious lumps for the things that have happened lately, and Jeff will need all his luck and skill to get the department through the next 90 days in Helena.

I have only interacted with Jeff professionally at public meetings. My impression of him is very close to what Hammerhead wrote.
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