J0hn Day River - Thirtymile to Cottonwood

You're all a bunch a sissies.

It was so tame as to be disappointingly not-at-all challenging. Except the wind on day 2, which sucked.

Fish were caught. Mornings started with beers. Everyone swam at various lazy river sections. Bikinis were admired... it could not have been better!
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Pictures or it didn't happen!
Seriously I am looking forward to pictures of part of the county I will likely never see in person, wouldn't turn down a bikini picture ether.
I've been trying to leave my phone behind more, and just enjoy the moment, so I don't have many good pics. But will update once we get a group photo dump together

You're all a bunch a sissies.

It was so tame as to be disappointingly not-at-all challenging. Except the wind on day 2, which sucked.

Fish were caught. Mornings started with beers. Everyone swam at various lazy river sections. Bikinis were admired... it could not have been better!
Well, I debated not adding anymore. I'm really struggling with sharing cool things. Outside of "like's" there's really no upside. That's a lot to be said for not talking about stuff you enjoy and care about and don't want to be ruined.

But it would feel kinda like a dick of I didn't at this point. I mean if you're gonna ask for help you should at least share some pics.







Well, I debated not adding anymore. I'm really struggling with sharing cool things. Outside of "like's" there's really no upside. That's a lot to be said for not talking about stuff you enjoy and care about and don't want to be ruined.

Think of it like this: if one of your friends went on this same trip, would you anticipate pitchers? Sure, the likes may be a quick dopamine hit for you, but many others are genuinely happy and excited to hear of your fun. I think. Maybe? (did you play any Magic on your trip?)

As for 'cool things ruined', that ship has largely sailed. This is hardly a bushwack up Notellum.

Nice trip! Tell me about your canoe. Maybe I missed make and model. The lines of a canoe are pure sex. Ive a drift boat (1984 Jellostone drifter - a few years less old than me!) that is practical for my locale but not so sex. Having done a few canoe trips, I try and try to justify one of my own but everything I want to do is literally 1/2 a continent away in one direction or the other. Ugh.
It’s a great trip, glad you had a great time. Water looks like it had dropped down quickly but was still a bit cloudy. Well done.
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