Yeti GOBOX Collection

Class Act

Well buzz,

Looks like you got some explaining to do. I just decided to reference my Duncan G. book that has an article that was written by J. W. about his hunt, dated 12-20-93. In the article, which is a good read I might add, J. W. gives Mavis credit for coming to him and telling him about her hunt, and that she shot the middle sized sheep in a group of three. I think you got some facts mixed up in your pea sized brain, and need to learn when not to shoot off your big mouth.

Paul, take some of your own advice, you've been shooting off your mouth about all sorts of things you know nothing about. Christ, you even have the nerve to tell me what happened and what was said in a private conversation! You're a regular god-damned know-it-all, I should have learned that after you "set Ithica straight" with his story. I guess all that knowledge and the ability to read peoples minds comes from being a FNAWS member. Anything or anybody that has anything to do with sheep is in your area of expertise, right?

You also dont know the story between Mavis and J.W., I do. It came from a reliable source...that being Mavis. I've never heard one bad word about her, from anybody. Theres people that you meet in life that are genuine and good, Mavis is one...I wont say who isnt one. My own experience with J.W. only adds validity to the story.

If you want to drag this on further, email me, I'll set you straight with the facts...although that may be impossible as you already know it all...

Answer this question and I'll drop it. Why did you feel the need to run down Jim? Simple question. Answer it.


Your even denser then I thought. I've asked you a simple question 4 or 5 times, and you've failed to answer it everytime. I'll just leave it at- you cannot comprehend my question so I'll just drop it. No sense in conversing with a rock.

Yeti GOBOX Collection

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