OK all of you anxious reloaders out there. The hunt regs will be out in arizona in a week, I've already started getting mail from old friends about ammo for the up coming seasons (speciall the guy from Indiana that is only hunting Elk, Stone sheep, Mule Deer, Antelope, and Oryx this year...ONLY?) So we have approached the time that I normally order by second big order of Noslers for the year. I should be getting something from Connie soon, so start up your lists if anyone wants bullets. I need to know caliber, weight, and type so that I can check on price and availability. (This time, I promise no more of the glass bullets that fell out of the box and broke.) Still need to get that resolved too.
Anyway, drop me an email or send me a private message, or even post on this thread. I will give a little warning before I call this time.....
Anyway, drop me an email or send me a private message, or even post on this thread. I will give a little warning before I call this time.....