It's not too Soon to Start


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2004
"Land of Giant Rams"
It's not too soon for the lefties to start to get Hillary up to speed on issues like dam breeching, ANWR, wolves, and grizzlies. You guys also need to start raising some money for her in 08. Maybe you can talk her into choosing Elliott Spitzer as her V. P..


You arent serious about Hillary having even a slight chance of running are you?


Thats the dumbest thing I've heard for a long, long, long time.

The dems wont chance running someone like to wager?
I take that wager that she will run, don't think she would get dominated but I am sure she will run. A bigger challenge will be that she is up for reelection in 2006, if she wins that race the chances are 100% she will run for President.

Friendly wager is all, If I win: you host me for a Wyoming Mule Deer/Antelope hunt. You win: I host you for MT. Mule Deer/Antelope hunt, I will throw in upland birds or waterfowl as well. The bet is that she will run in 2008 doesn't have to get nominated just run. Your on.

Moosie, Nemont,

I agree that she may run for the dem. ticket, she wont be nominated though. I guess I should have made that a little more clear.
I wouldn't be suprised if she DID got the nomanation, just look at who they have nomanated latly, and the ones that "almost" got nomanated.
John Kerry
Howard Dean
Al Gore
Michel Dukakis
The Democrats tend to go wako in the primarys, if they would stay a bit more "mainstream" they would win a lot more.

If you won, you'd be getting ripped off, I dont have a clue about antelope or mule deer in Wyoming.

If I won, some upland bird hunting would be what I'd be cashing in on....

Paul, I shouldnt have been so tough on you not ever seeing a griz and all, its tough to find them when you never leave the porch.

Really, you dont have much to worry about, griz arent often found near elk farms and they dont like exhaust fumes from ATV's. Hasnt been any in the 'root for about 50 years either.
Buzz Boy,

You forget I've done the unlimited sheep hunt a time or two. Right next to Jellystone, 9,000 feet, in the white bark pines, mid September. Fresh piles of griz poop every 15 yards. That will keep you on alert. Don't think it would be too tough to get one, at least in the first few years hunting pressure. There not near as wild as the hunted ones up north are.

I also got off the porch a time or two to hunt in Canada and have seen several bears. I had to let a big boar move out before I could stalk my Dall sheep.

So what do you say? We have a bet?

Putting in for, and drawing, an unlimited tag is a lot different than actually HUNTING the unlimited areas. I bet I know what group you fall into. The ram my buddy Doug killed in one of the unlimited areas, had a grizzly sow and 2 cubs on the carcass in 24 hours. I had a largish boar walk 75 yards above my tent while goat hunting in the same area. So, whoever told you about the griz in the unlimited areas was right, apparently they did get off the porch.
Hey guys....PLease allow me to settle at least part of this discussion tonight. It was announced in San Diego Saturday night that a committee to elect Hillary President would be soliciting compaign contributions beginning in March of 2005. I would say that's a pretty good indicator that she is in the race, anyway. MD4ME, I agree that that is a really scarey thought. Buzz, for once I hope you are absolutely right. I hope there is not a chance in hell she gets elected.

Why do you think Hillary wasn`t out trying to get Kerry elected? OH yea she will run no doubt....and "slick" will back her all the way.

You have been avoiding my question. Hillary will be the Democraps nominee for president. Do we have a bet?


"That give me the shivers just thinking about her in the whitehouse again ."

Yea, this time however, Hillary will be the one doing the interns!

Hey Buzz,

You ever see Bryan Martins vidio of the Bowsite guy hunting grizzly. I bet that guy had a full load in his britches! He stuck the bear at 25 yards and it charged. Bryan was filming and playing backup with his 338. It didn't take him a blink of an eye to drop the camera and bring his gun to life. The movement caused the bear to change his focus and go after Bryan. The Bowsite guy stuck the bear again at point blank range as it passed right by him. Bryan shot twice at point blank range before it went down. The vidio didn't show much after the action started, just a flash of the bears foot almost stepping on the camera as it charged Bryan. The sound picked up the action in great detail however. You can't believe how fast all this happened. Cool flick!

Still want to go bear hunting?


Yep, saw the video.

I doubt they'd of had the problem if they used the 338 from the get-go.

I'd shoot a griz with a 270 any day of the week and twice on Sunday...

Most of what you hear about them being so "tough" is peoples piss-poor shooting skills and dumping a load in their britches before they even pull the trigger. Hammer them good through the lungs and its over, just like a whitetail doe.

"I doubt they'd of had the problem if they used the 338 from the get-go"

I would have to agree. Shootting a grizzly at 25 yards with a pointy stick is not the brightest thing one could do.

The guy missed his first shot, he was shaking so bad.

Is this a Challenge to hunt Grizz's with a BOW ?

Count me in.. I'm there !!!!

If hillary runs, I'm voting for her :D

-KO~NADS of steel

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